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Reloop Terminal Mix 4 med Serato DJ och Serato Video+RHP-30 S

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Fraktkostnad : 99:-
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Artikel nr : PACK10391
Kortnamn : Reloop Terminal Mix 4 med Serato DJ och Serato Video+RHP-30 S
Vikt : 6.00 kg
Volym : 0.02 m3
 Läs mer på tillverkarens hemsida

Prod review Prod review Prod review Prod review Prod review
4-däcks Serato PRO DJ och VJ controller med fullversionerna av både Serato DJ och Serato Video mjukvara (värde 2500 kr) och 4-effektmix - mixa 4 valfria effekter steglöst med varandra + 12 intelligenta EQ/kill/filter. Se videos nedan med flera av världens största DJ:s. XXL scratchtallrikar med vinylgrepp. 4-kanals mixer även för Mik/Iphone/CD/vinyl, balanserade Master Zone/Booth 2 Hörlur. Ställbar X-fader. Reloop Terminal Mix 4. Tysk superkvalitet. Serato DJ och Serato Video mjukvara i FULLVERSION medföljer. Traktorkompatibel. Se flightcases till höger.

Reloop RHP-30 PRO DJ hörlur med mik, iPhonekoppling, 3 olika kablar, extrem ljudkvalitet i studioklass 10 Hz - 24.000 Hz, tung bas, superbekväma öronkuddar, detaljer i äkta läder och aluminiumförstärkning, robusta som få och högt ljudtryck 2x1000mW.

Trax Encoder 4 knappar laddar musiken på 4 kanaler
155mm ultratunna aluminiumtallrikar med vinylbeläggning för scratch - pitch bend - sök
111 midikontroller
Gummiknappar - bekvämt och extra hållbart
8 knappar Hot Cue & Samplers
12 knappar Effekter & Loops
14-bit 100mm Pitch Faders

Se videos! 
4 däcks DJ-controller designad för Serato

Med Terminal Mix 4 kompletterar Reloop sin Serato serie med en dedikerad 4-däckspelare
Access till alla funktioner från hårdvara till mjukvara

4-kanals mixer. 3-bands EQ med intelligenta kill samt gain och filter-modulering. Ställbar crossfaderkurva.
Trax Encoder. 4 knappar med direkt access till spel-listor. Du behöver inte röra din laptop. Du kan söka och ladda direkt.
155mm stora tallrikar med vinylgrepp

Ultra-platta aluminiumtallrikar XXL 15.5cm. Anti-glid vinylgrepp beläggning. 3 funktioner: Pitch Bend / Scratch / Snabbsökning
Trigger Deluxe

Bekväma gummiknappar gjorda för att tåla maximalt slitage
The performance section* features an extensive 8-button layout which can be utilised over 2 separate layers for true versatility. On the first layer 4 hot cues can be fired off and 4 sample decks can be triggered simultaneously. Depending on the software used, other creative possibilities are available, for example the option of accessing hot cues/samples 5-8 on the second layer - or with future software updates this section can be enhanced even further with brand new performance modes (Cut´n´Slice) for live remixing.
The extensive FX section is equipped with 4 buttons, 3 rotary knobs, and 1 endless encoder to provide even more creative possibilities in the mix. The smart loop section also features 4 independent controls allowing users to quickly set beat-precise loops, adjust the size of the loops and even move the loops whilst in a live situation.
Reloop also listened to the requests by many DJs and for the first time has integrated a 14 bit pitch fader with 100mm increments, allowing ultra-precise mixing and blending.
Power House Interface

The audio section offers a vast array of connecting possibilities for your master PA (including balanced output jacks), a zone function and a DJ booth system. Also very practical are the 2 headphones connections (6.3 mm & 3.5 mm) which can be adjusted with a 1-band equalizer. A microphone connection with a 1-fold EQ for MCs, hosts or singers has also been integrated and can be adjusted via a flexible routing switching system. Furthermore, it´s possible to connect a turntable, CD/MP3 player, or iPhone/iPod to the Aux input which can be routed to the master or even software!
BÅDE Serato DJ och Serato Video mjukvaror i FULLVERSIONER ingår

Incredibly sturdy and featuring an outstandingly powerful sound: this is how Reloop´s premium headphones can be described. With a sophisticated construction optimized for DJs, especially designed for rough club surroundings, the RHP-30 emphasizes its stylish features: the headphones´ minimalist coolness features high-quality components and thanks to high output, transparent and bass-driven sound characteristics, the RHP-30 gurantees smooth mixing, clean productions and fulminant listening pleasure.

A combination of high-quality components gives the RHP-30 its minimalist appearance and a consistent design which is impressive due to the clearly arranged components, starting with the ear cups´ rubber paint finish, solid aluminum brackets to the hard-plastic headband with classy Reloop sign.

Reloop has directed special attention to the headphones´ drivers which cleanly separate frequencies and deliver a powerful sound despite the high power output - perfect for loud club surroundings. The transparent resolution in the high-frequency range caters for dynamics and enables accurate, transparent and encompassing sound reproduction of the whole sound spectrum. That is why the RHP-30 headphones can also hold their own when it comes to studio applications.

The RHP-30 headphones are extremely sturdy and laid out for longevity and they can endure the most unfavorable wind, weather and club conditions. However, the weight is marginal thanks to the flat comfort construction which also offers wearing comfort on the highest level due to the ear cups´ and headband´s memory foam padding.

Three different cable types are included for versatile usage. The helix cable is intended for DJ sessions while the plain cable with its Smartphone control unit is perfect for outdoor use on the road. And HiFi fans will love the flatcable.

Frequency range: 10 Hz - 24 kHz
Max. input: 2 x 1000 mW
40 ohms +/-15% (@ 1 kHz, 1 mW)
102 dB +/-3 dB (@ 1 mW)
2x40 mm drivers
Connections: 3.5 mm jack / 6.3 mm adaptor (gold-plated)
Weight: 355 g

1.2 m (plain cable incl. Smartphone control unit)
1.2 m (flat cable)
3.0 m (helix cable)

Directivity: omni-directional
50 Hz - 16 kHz
8.2k ohms
Sensitivity: -62 dB +/-3 dB (@ 1 kHz)

Professional DJ headphones, closed retractable construction
Powerful sound and clear frequency separation, optimized for DJs
Comfortable memory-foam ear cup padding with fine protein-leather surface
Accented with rubber-paint finish
Ultra durable head band crafted with high-quality hard rubber
Extremely high output rating
Transparent resolution in the high-frequency range
Flat comfort construction
Smartphone control
Three different cable types (helix cable, plain cable, flat cable)

Reloop världens andra största DJ-märke. Finns i 88 länder. Vunnit många utmärkelser. Tysk superkvalitet. Generalagenten har även Tannoy, Dynacord, ElectroVoice.

Prenumerera på vårt nyhetsmejl, se längre ned till vänster på denna sida.



Allt inom ljud & ljus & DJ – Hyr eller köp ljud eller DJ-utrustning. Bygg upp en speciell atmosfär till eventet, festen eller ditt framträdande. Välj ljud- och ljussystem med omsorg! Hos Billebro hittar du allt som behövs inom ljud och ljus. Hyr eller köp din PA eller DJ-utrustning, komplettera eventet med nya PA-högtalare till förmånliga priser. Vi som arbetar här är själva DJ:s, musiker, ljudtekniker och studiotekniker, vi vet vad vi snackar om och vi kan ge dig goda råd och bra support. Vårt breda sortiment samt vår kunskap inom ljud och ljus hjälper dig att bygga upp den perfekta lösningen! Och du, vi hjälper även till med installationen! Upp till 2 års delbetalning för max 50 000 kr via Klarna, ett år räntefritt!