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Pioneer RMX-500 SLUTSÅLD

4 095:-
3 276:- exkl. moms
Delbetala från 170:-/månad eller ett år räntefritt



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Artikel nr : RMX-500
Kortnamn : Pioneer RMX-500 SLUTSÅLD
Märke : Pioneer RMX-500
Vikt : 0.93 kg
Volym : 1.00 m3
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Prod review Prod review Prod review Prod review Prod review
SLUTSÅLD Pioneer Remix Station RMX500

Effektenhet med intuitiv enhandsstyrning av flera parametrar

RMX-500 är en intuitiv och kompakt effektenhet som innehåller alla de bästa funktionerna hos klubbstandarden RMX-1000. Den här praktiska remixenheten har en förenklad layout som kan anpassas för att snabbt ge åtkomst till dina favoriteffekter.

En mästare på manipulationer
Den nya rytmeffektdelen ger dig tillgång till fyra audioeffekter, en overdub-sequenser och fem mångsidiga trumsamplingar. Effektdjup och andra manipulationslager styrs enkelt genom att vrida eller trycka på de stora Pressure Controller-reglagen. Tack vare signalflödesknappen kan du också lägga sceneffekter ovanpå rytmeffekter.

Gör den personlig
Glöm mjukvara – med den nya Customise-knappen anpassar du din hårdvara direkt på enheten. Välj och spara alla dina favoritvarianter, från sceneffekter till trumsamplingar, och ställ in längden på backspins, brakes, eko och overdub.

Bygg upp och bryt ned spår genom att kombinera tio olika autokvantiserade sceneffekter. För varje effekt finns två variationer (fyra för Noise) som enkelt nås via Customise-knappen.

Tar dig till nästa nivå
För livespelningar finns RCA-ingångar som gör det enkelt att ansluta alla dina CDJ-spelare. I studion kan du jobba som en proffsproducent när du kopplar enheten till en dator och använder den som kontrollenhet för RMX-500 VST/AU/RTAS virtuella plugin.

Pioneer DJ is launching the most easy-to-use multi-effects unit yet: the engaging REMIX STATION 500 (RMX-500). The lightweight effector takes some of the best features from the top-flight RMX-1000, but gains a more simplified layout, on-board customisation, and ingenious one-handed control of multiple parameters.
The RMX-500 puts dedicated buttons for five drum samples, five Audio FX and ten Scene FX at DJs’ fingertips. Then they simply rotate the large Pressure Controller knobs – one for Rhythm FX and one for Scene FX – to manipulate FX depth, and press to control sub-parameters – all in one intuitive movement. 

The new Customise button adds even more choice, enabling DJs to quickly select and save their preferred variations of Scene FX and drum samples. Also new is the Rhythm FX section, which provides a simple way to access the Audio FX and Overdub sequencer. Plus the RMX-500 introduces a Signal Flow button, which gives DJs the option to instantly add Scene FX to Rhythm FX. 

Like the club-standard RMX-1000, the effector can also be used in the studio as a controller for RMX-500 VST/AU/RTAS virtual plug-ins. An on-board sound card means producers can plug their headphones in to the RMX-500 for high-quality audio as they create music or master DJ sets.


1.Unique Pressure Controller knobs give simultaneous control of multiple parameters 
Two large, Pressure Controller knobs give DJs access to multi-dimensional manipulation with just one hand. Once an effect or drum sample has been triggered, they can simply twist the knob right/left to manipulate the wet/dry balance, and press it to modulate sub-parameters. Multi-layered FX are made easier and more accessible for unlimited creativity. 

2.Simple layout designed for instant access to all the unit’s features 
The RMX-500 is divided into three easy-to-use areas, with dedicated buttons giving direct access to a host of features:

Ten auto-quantized Scene FX
Dedicated buttons and Pressure Controller knobs give DJs the power to intuitively build the music up using Mod, Echo, Noise, Spiral Up and Reverb Up, and break it down with High Pass Filter, Low Pass Filter, Zip, Spiral Down and Reverb Down. Each effect has two possible variations – four for Noise – that can be accessed by hitting the Customise button. And Echo+ adds extra echo for an even bigger sound and smoother mix. 

New Rhythm FX with five drum samples and five Audio FX
The RMX-1000’s X-Pad has been replaced with an easier-to-use Rhythm FX section. DJs can use the dedicated buttons to trigger five versatile drum samples – Kick, Snare, Clap, Hi Hat, Cymbal – each of which has six beat/sound variations that can be selected during live performance. Five Audio FX – Roll, Trans, Add, Rev Delay, Offset – add another layer of manipulation, all controlled using the Pressure Controller knobs. The Overdub button enables DJs to sequence their own beats and Rhythm FX combinations on the fly, while the Signal Flow changes the flow of the music to enable DJs to add Scene FX to the Rhythm FX in play; or slice, dice and repeat processed audio from the Scene FX in the opposite direction.

Three handy Release FX buttons
The Release FX buttons have been moved to the centre of the RMX-500, giving DJs easier access to back spins, brakes and echo, helping them exit complex effect combinations in style. The length and interval of each effect can be changed using the Customise button.

3.Customise button enables on-the-fly changes to settings
The RMX-500 can be customised directly on the hardware, with no need to plug into software on a computer. Selected sounds and settings are automatically stored for next time when the unit is not in use. DJs can customise to:
Select preferred Scene FX 
Select from six drum sample variations per sound
Set the lengths of back spins, brakes and echo
Change Overdub length between 4 and 8 beats

4.VST/AU/RTAS control and sound card bring a physical element to producing
In addition to live performances, the versatile RMX can be used in the studio for producing music and mastering DJ sets. Producers simply plug the unit into a computer to control a virtual RMX-500 VST/AU/RTAS plug-in – without using the mouse or keyboard – and run virtual instances on as many channels as their processor can handle. Plus an on-board sound card and stereo jack provide a high-quality audio output for their headphones or speakers.

5.Other features
Auto BPM: automatically measures and follows the music’s tempo
MIDI support: can be used as a MIDI controller 
Compact and sleek design: highly portable for DJs on the move
X-Stand: can be mounted on the portable Pioneer T-U101 stand (sold separately) 

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Allt inom ljud & ljus & DJ – Hyr eller köp ljud eller DJ-utrustning. Bygg upp en speciell atmosfär till eventet, festen eller ditt framträdande. Välj ljud- och ljussystem med omsorg! Hos Billebro hittar du allt som behövs inom ljud och ljus. Hyr eller köp din PA eller DJ-utrustning, komplettera eventet med nya PA-högtalare till förmånliga priser. Vi som arbetar här är själva DJ:s, musiker, ljudtekniker och studiotekniker, vi vet vad vi snackar om och vi kan ge dig goda råd och bra support. Vårt breda sortiment samt vår kunskap inom ljud och ljus hjälper dig att bygga upp den perfekta lösningen! Och du, vi hjälper även till med installationen! Upp till 2 års delbetalning för max 50 000 kr via Klarna, ett år räntefritt!