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SLUTSÅLD Behringer Xenyx 2222FX

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Artikel nr : BEHxenyx2222fx
Kortnamn : SLUTSÅLD Behringer Xenyx 2222FX
Märke : Slutsåld
Vikt : 10.00 kg
Fabrikat : Behringer
Prod review Prod review Prod review Prod review Prod review
SLUTSÅLD Behringer Xenyx 2222FX beg. skyltex med en knapp borta för program.
With close to one million units sold, the UB mixer series has become one of the most popular mixer series of all times that has no doubt connected musicians all over the world. Our new XENYX mixers will take you to an even higher plane.The XENYX 2222FX has 22 inputs and 3 Aux Sends for each channel. Additionally, 2 subgroups with separate outputs have been incorporated for routing flexibility. The new XENYX Mic Preamp matches the sound quality, transparency, headroom and even the dynamic range of boutique-style, stand-alone mic preamps. Our neo-classic "British EQ" brings back the warmth and musicality of those ‘60s and ‘70s mega-console desks that made music history. The XENYX FX mixers incorporate a new studio-grade 24-bit FX processor. Get 100 real-world and awesome effect presets at your fingertips. This XENYX mixer comes with a USB/Audio Interface for direct plug & play connectivity to your Windows or Mac computer. Get your audio to and from any DAW and make your XENYX mixer the perfect globetrotter in both analog and digital worlds.

          10 out of 10
great features. i am always finding more things that i didn´t know it could do. just when i think i have it figured out, i find another dial or switch or plug or whatever.

great mixer, strong metal body that would withstand a drop, not that it would drop seing as how the rubber stoppers are so sticky

best product for the money

i saw this and i immediately wanted it

great mixing, great sound with speakers

never needed support from behringer but this is based on other reviews

Behringer UB2222FX Pro Eurorack 22 Input Mixer with FX

This is Behringer´s second-largest console in the entire UB Series. There are 16 balanced high-headroom line inputs, 8 Invisible Mic Preamps (IMPs), 3 aux sends per channel (1 pre fader for monitoring, 1 pre/post fader switchable for monitoring/FX applications, and 1 post fader for internal FX or as external send). There are effective, extremely musical 3-band EQs with semi-parametric mid bands plus switchable low-cut filters on all mono channels. 2 subgroups with separate outputs for added routing flexibility and 3 multi-functional stereo aux returns with flexible routing are also there. You will also find the integrated 24-bit digital stereo FX processor with 99 great-sounding Virtualizer presets.

Every crucial development stage of the new UB Series has Uli Behringer´s name on it - literally: from the design study to the circuitry layout to the mechanical makeup of the consoles. He has personally selected each and every individual component, all with the goal of squeezing the very most out of every single one of them. These consoles have been pushed as far as the technology permits to-date.

Ultra low-noise ULN design, highest possible headroom, ultra-transparent audio 

8 new state-of-the-art, studio-grade IMP "Invisible" Mic Preamps with:
130 dB dynamic range for 24-bit, 192 kHz sampling rate inputs
Ultra-wide 60 dB gain range
Lowest possible distortion 0.0007% (20 Hz - 20 kHz) 

Integrated 24-bit digital stereo FX processor with 99 great-sounding Virtualizer presets including reverb, delay, chorus, compressor, tube distortion, vinylizer, and more - plus 1 kHz test tone generator 

Effective, extremely musical 3-band EQ with semi-parametric mid band plus switchable low-cut filter on all mono channels 

Inserts on each mono channel for flexible connection of outboard equipment 

16 balanced high-headroom line inputs with +4/-10 level selection on stereo channels 

State-of-the-art 4580 operational amplifiers provide lowest noise and distortion - better than 4560 op amps 

3 aux sends per channel: 1 pre fader for monitoring, 1 pre/post fader switchable for monitoring/FX applications, 1 post fader (for internal FX or as external send) 

Peak LEDs, mute, main mix and subgroup routing switches, solo and PFL functions on all channels 

2 subgroups with separate outputs for added routing flexibility 

3 multi-functional stereo aux returns with flexible routing 

Balanced main mix outputs with TRS and gold-plated XLR connectors, separate control room, headphones, and stereo tape outputs 

Control room/phones outputs with multi-input source matrix 

Tape inputs assignable to main mix or control room/phones outputs 

Switchable +48 V phantom power for condenser microphones 

Long-wearing 60 mm logarithmic-taper ALPS¬ faders and sealed rotary controls 

Internal switch-mode power supply for maximum flexibility (100 - 240 V~), noise-free audio, superior transient response plus lowest possible power consumption for energy saving 

Extremely rugged steel construction ensures long life even under the most demanding conditions 

Rack mount brackets included 

Manufactured under ISO9000 certified management system

Invisible Mic Preamp (IMP)
Five years in the making, the Invisible Mic Preamp (IMP) is a superior mic preamp that delivers crystal-clear audio with incredible reproduction of the slightest nuances. It matches or exceeds the performance of outboard mic preamps. You get extreme bandwidth of 5 Hz to 100 kHz coupled to unusually neutral, noise- and distortion-free circuitry. The Behringer IMP provides ultra-linear frequency response up to 100 kHz. The result of perfect design. Almost unmeasurable distortion for your signal integrity. 

24-bit/46 kHz
Digital recordings are often done at a depth of 16 bits, which breaks up the dynamic range between the loudest and quietest portions of a signal into 65,536 steps. They use the finer resolution of 24 bits, which divides the signals´ loudest-to-softest dynamic range into 16,777,216 steps, allowing for far more accurate rendering of the quieter parts of the audio. 

Audio signals change constantly, so a digital device must capture these changes as faithfully as possible. The higher the sampling rate, the better. The consoles use a sampling rate of 46,000 times per second. To capture any given frequency, a digital signal´s sampling rate must be roughly twice that frequency. The sampling rate of 46 kHz is more than adequate for capturing all signals in the audible range - the human ear cannot hear the sounds whose frequency is higher than 20 kHz.

Ultra Low-Noise (ULN)
ULN stands for the Ultra low-noise design of our circuitry. It is based on extremely low-impedance components that keep thermal inherent noise and crosstalk at an absolute minimum. The result: your console is considerably less noisy and crosstalk between neighboring channels is virtually non-existent. The result of perfect design. Almost unmeasurable distortion for your signal integrity.

Switch-Mode Power Supply (SMPS)
Every console in the PRO series uses a state-of-the-art, over-sized, switch-mode power supply with lots of headroom. One of the great advantages is that (compared to conventional circuits) a switch-mode power supply adapts to mains voltages between 100 and 240 volts automatically. Furthermore, due to its much greater efficiency, it consumes much less energy than a conventional supply unit. Even more important is the fact that conventional transformers always induce 50 Hz hum (check it out on other mixers when you turn up all volume controls). Their switch-mode supply operates at very high frequency and therefore keeps the mixer "dead" quiet. 

XPQ 3D Surround
The XPQ 3D surround effect available in the UB1832FX-PRO widens the stereo image and adds life and transparency to your sound - an easy way to put a unique final polish on your music and turn your performance into an incomparable experience.
Behringer https://www.behringer.com/
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Allt inom ljud & ljus & DJ – Hyr eller köp ljud eller DJ-utrustning. Bygg upp en speciell atmosfär till eventet, festen eller ditt framträdande. Välj ljud- och ljussystem med omsorg! Hos Billebro hittar du allt som behövs inom ljud och ljus. Hyr eller köp din PA eller DJ-utrustning, komplettera eventet med nya PA-högtalare till förmånliga priser. Vi som arbetar här är själva DJ:s, musiker, ljudtekniker och studiotekniker, vi vet vad vi snackar om och vi kan ge dig goda råd och bra support. Vårt breda sortiment samt vår kunskap inom ljud och ljus hjälper dig att bygga upp den perfekta lösningen! Och du, vi hjälper även till med installationen! Upp till 2 års delbetalning för max 50 000 kr via Klarna, ett år räntefritt!