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Daslight Virtual Controller DVC2 128-M

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Artikel nr : DAS-DVC2-128M
Kortnamn : Daslight Virtual Controller DVC2 128-M
Märke : Daslight
Vikt : 0.50 kg
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Fabrikat : Daslight (
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DMX-styrning Daslight Virtual Controller DVC2 128-M.
DVC2 128-M - Daslight Virtual Controller 2 128-M
En lättanvänd DMX kontroll
128 DMX ut med dator kopplad eller 60 DMX ut utan dator kopplad (stand alone)
4 trigger aktioner (in/ut portar)
Plug och play USB 2.0 interface, strömförsörjt via USB
Kompatibelt med alla typer av DMX 512 armaturer

DVC2 128M arbetar med Virtual Controller 1 och 2 mjukvara men är begränsad till max 128 kanaler. Interfacet måste kopplas till en PC. Men du kan kontrollera dina armaturer utan PC. Behöver ett vanligt 9V batteri i stand alone läge.
DVC2 128-M funktioner:
128 kanaler i PC läge – 60 utan PC
Antalet scener, steg och effekter är begränsat till 30
- Ingen Midi kontroll
- 4 Scener kan köras simultant

Virtual Controller 2

Thanks to it´s great performance, features and attractive price of Virtual Controller 2, you can benefit from the latest technology to create the most wonderful artistic and visual effects. Virtual Controller 2 includes all the existing features of Virtual Controller 1 but our team has improved the management and the general control of the fixtures.
The latest software is more user-friendly and with a lot more possibilities, you can easily insert a group of lighting fixtures, control up to 4 DMX universes, use tabs of fixture groups, create and edit your scenes in a simple and quick way. Virtual Controller 2 can control fixtures of different families, offers preset palettes, use multi selection and allow users to move and control each element rapidly and easily. All these tools make Virtual Controller the best and easiest software for show programming.

- Fast and easy to use.

Thanks to a HIM (Human Interface Module) created especially for programming, you can create your scenes step by step. All the tools of the software have been designed to achieve optimal management of your fixtures and show.

- Multi selections, movements and orientation.

With a few clicks of the mouse button, you can group and control your actions. The new tools included in Virtual Controller 2 allow all kinds of possible actions and save a lot of time. You can apply the same effect to several items at one time.

- 4 DMX Universes.

 More possibilities to develop bigger projects. Virtual Controller 2 has intelligent control of 4 DMX universes. You can control up to 2048 DMX channels with only 2 interfaces and thus use 3 or 4 DMX 512 outputs.

- The fixture group window.

With a brand-new management of lighting fixtures by famiy. Virtual Controller shows the available lighting fixtures in 2D. This remarkable feature can help you to select the lighting fixtures quickly and to control perfectly your whole light show.

- Palette of Presets.

A brand-new tool using management of lighting fixturess by family. This marvellous function you can visualize all the features and functions of the fixture. You get a rapid, direct and instantaneous control. You can control all the features of the lighting fixtures with precision. The SSL library should correspond perfectly to the features of your lighting fixture.

- Ultra Virtual Scenes.

You can trigger each scene separately and simultaneously and there are several possible ways of scene triggering actions. Each scene can register all the options of the software: the number of loop, selective leap to next scene, general or selective simultaneous triggering, management of cycle and sequences, simultaneous triggering of several sequences by keyboard keys, mouse, MIDI or HE10 PORT, etc... (Photo live scenes)

- Create scenes and play several scenes simultaneously.

With a better management of the scenes, Virtual Controller can use all the software functions while playing the triggered scenes continuously.

- 3500+ existing fixtures.

There are already a large number of users of our software all over the world. Many lighting manufacturers have chosen Daslight and we register their lighting fixtures regularly in our database. No matter what kind of lighting fixture you’ve got, you can always find its corresponding profile.  


DVC2 is compatible with all your old files, can read the .DLM files and load the Virtual Controller 1 projects.
Virtual Controller 2 works with the interfaces provided by Daslight and with a computer only.
It’s compatible with DVC2 512 and DVC2 GOLD interfaces only.

2 års garanti. DASLIGHT, världsledande tillverkare av DMX-styrning. DASLIGHT används av flera av världens största diskotek, klubbar, teatrar och ljusföretag.
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Allt inom ljud & ljus & DJ – Hyr eller köp ljud eller DJ-utrustning. Bygg upp en speciell atmosfär till eventet, festen eller ditt framträdande. Välj ljud- och ljussystem med omsorg! Hos Billebro hittar du allt som behövs inom ljud och ljus. Hyr eller köp din PA eller DJ-utrustning, komplettera eventet med nya PA-högtalare till förmånliga priser. Vi som arbetar här är själva DJ:s, musiker, ljudtekniker och studiotekniker, vi vet vad vi snackar om och vi kan ge dig goda råd och bra support. Vårt breda sortiment samt vår kunskap inom ljud och ljus hjälper dig att bygga upp den perfekta lösningen! Och du, vi hjälper även till med installationen! Upp till 2 års delbetalning för max 50 000 kr via Klarna, ett år räntefritt!