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IGNITE180B LED Beam Moving Head

12 995:-
10 396:- exkl. moms
Delbetala från 457:-/månad eller ett år räntefritt
Fraktkostnad : 129:-
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Artikel nr : 150.374
Kortnamn : IGNITE180B LED Beam Moving Head
Vikt : 11.00 kg

Prod review Prod review Prod review Prod review Prod review
The IGNITE180B is a powerful LED moving head with a 180W bright white LED source
The IGNITE180B is a powerful LED moving head with a 180W bright white LED source. Equipped with a double gobo wheel (with interchangeable gobos) to create stunning overlay effects. Combined with 2 individually rotating prisms (8+16) to make stunning aerial effects in 8 colours. The 8 degrees beam angle make this the ideal fixture to use for long range gobo projection and sharp beam figures

180W High Intensity LED
13 or 17 DMX channels
DMX and Stand-alone mode
Master/slave synchronization
Sound activated with adjustable sensitivity
Auto mode
Beam angle 8°
Gobo Wheel 1: 3x glass and 3x metal gobos + open (interchangeable)
Gobo Wheel 2: 8x metal gobos + open
Gobo functions: gobo shake and gobo rotation
7 Colours + open
Split colour, rainbow effect
Rotatable 8 facet prism
Rotatable 16 facet prism
Motorized focus
0-100% Electronic Dimmer
Strobe: 0-20Hz
Automatic pan/tilt correction
Reset function
Control panel with full-colour LCD display
DMX in/output via 3-pin XLR
Powerconnector input/output
Quick lock omega clamp included (2x)
DMX cable included
Powerconnector cable included
BeamZ från Holland, hög kvalitet.

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