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Pioneer DJM-3000 demo ex

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Artikel nr : 121
Kortnamn : Pioneer DJM-3000 demo ex
Märke : Pioneer DJM-3000
Vikt : 3.00 kg

Prod review Prod review Prod review Prod review Prod review
Pioneer DJM-3000

Industry-first mixer that takes your music to the next level.

The DJM-3000 is equipped with an industry-first Effect Mix Mode that accurately effects phrases in a BPM-linked operation along with an improved auto beat effector.

In addition to ECHO and ZIP we have come up with another industry first effect that has been named "Roll". This runs a mix while changing the pitch of the song up the chromatic scale to the beat of the music.

The Auto BPM Counter automatically measures and digitally displays a track's BPM (measurement range: 70-139/91-180/70-180/ Manual ) allowing you to merge one song into another smoothly.

Tapping on the TAP button enables you to manually input BPMs of tracks that are difficult to measure. DJ's can now see the music beat, making it faster and easier to mix tracks with different beats.

The DJM-3000 wide range of effects includes Delay, Echo, Auto Pan, Flanger, Pitch Shifter Reverb, Auto-Transform and Auto-Frequency Filter. All of which are auto BPM effectable.

Linked to BPM, the DJM-3000 can add effects to each input (CHANNEL, MIC and MASTER) independently. You can also perform quick setting with the BEAT UNIT SWITCH BUTTON, adjusting the precise time parameters, or controlling the balance between the effect sounds and the original sounds by varying the mix ratio.

The DJM-3000 can begin playback of a track using the sliding cross fader or the channel fader. It can mix tracks without creating spaces by setting the stand-by track's cue point and performing a single-action cut-in.

Since it returns to the cue point via the back fader alone, sampler-style playback is also possible. The cross fader also has a selectable fader curve to fit all styles of Dj'ing.

And for the Clubland purists there's an added ability to purchase an optional ROTARY volume dials for smooth club mixing.

Demo ex i perfekt skick en plastratt saknas. Allt fungerar perfekt. Inga repor. Knappt använd. Finns även CMX 3000 och flightcase till salu. Lager norr.


Master Balance


Stereo/Mono Switch


Level Meter Size

11 segment

Master Out Attenuator




3 band

EQ/ISO Range

–26 dB ~ +12 dB

Rotary Faders


Level Meter Type


Level Meter Size

11 segment

Performance Control



Effect Sampler

Auto BPM Counter


Effect Level & Depth Volume


Effect Mix



Crossfader Type

Carbon Rail

CURVE Assignable


Field Replaceable



Mic Connection

  • Jack
  • Neutrik Combo

Mic EQ

2 band

Mic EQ Range

-12 dB ~ +12 dB


3 Position Switch

Talkover Attenuator




  • 1 MIC (XLR)
  • 1 RETURN (1/4 inch Jack)
  • 4 PHONO (RCA)
  • 7 CD/LINE (RCA)


  • 1 BOOTH (RCA)
  • 1 MASTER (RCA)
  • 1 MASTER (XLR)
  • 1 REC OUT (RCA)
  • 1 SEND (1/4 inch Jack)
  • 2 S/PDIF Digital (RCA)

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