DJ för firmafest, bröllop. Design av dansgolv och DJ-miljö. 3500kvm ljud ljus DJ även beg. Dörarp Ljungby Tyresö Krylbo Ånge. Studio Replokal Bostad se Familjen driver Skogsrejv. Betala swish 1231272434, cash, kort, resurs, SEB, Swedbank, bankgiro, IBAN.

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Även MEJERIET ÅNGE 3500kvm
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Bidra med jobb här med renovering av lokalerna och eller montera ljud ljus samt transportera
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Detta kan leda till samarbete med SKOGSREJV som dotter Yrla Miranda driver samt många andra samarbeten. Jag äger och förvaltar även FOLKETS HUS RAMSJÖ med scen och 450 publikplatser samt HEDSJÖ CAMPING med 350m sandstrand och 10.000kvm öppen yta i ett fd sand och grustag intill HEDSJÖ SKOLA. Möjligheterna är unlimited. Hur blir det ännu bättre och vad mer är möjligt?

Jag är DJ, dansare, poet, healer, volleybollspelare, superkapitalist, singel, livskonstnär, eventkoordinator, VD och ägare för . 3000kvm ljud och ljusutrustning finns till förfogande, även antika roliga grejor!
Postorder eller hämta. Boka besök på Swish 1231272434

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eco volunteer

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eco volunteer
eco volunteer

Volunteering at Billebro Camping

We are looking for happy, excited and nice people to help out at our Eco Camping Center in Northern Sweden. You find us in the midst of forest with lakes, eco buildings and lots of walking paths in the surroundings.

Sustainability, personal growth, creativity, community and health are at the core of everything we do. We're looking forward to meet you and create beautiful work, lasting memories and a great time together!

When you come to volunteer at Billebro, you will be helping out in these four areas:

Garden: We are now preparing for greenhouse organic vegetable growing. We'll be growing salads, herbs, edible flower and vegetables. In this start-up phase there are lots of things to learn and do. Also physically heavy work, like working with compost, building growing beds, making fences, etc.

Restaurant support: In our restaurant we serve meals for 5 to 20 guests. We couldn’t do this without the help of our volunteers! From preparing vegetables to picking flowers and helping out with Swedish 'fika': making coffee, tea and cakes. From dishwashing to helping out with breakfast and cleaning. A perfect place to get some insight into kitchen secrets.

Housekeeping: This is all about keeping the workshop spaces, rooms and hallways beautiful and clean. From vacuum cleaning to cleaning windows and making sure course materials (like yoga mats, blankets, etc.) are tidy and put away nicely. You have an eye for making spaces beautiful and welcoming.

Maintenance & allround: This is all about the many practical things that need to be done. From grass clipping to taking care of animals (last year we had horses and goats visiting, who will visit us coming year is still a surprise). From repairing fences to moving chairs and tables around for events.

We try to create a good mix of these jobs for everyone in the programme and to connect you to the jobs that fit your qualities. However: be prepared to be flexible and work in all these areas.

For who?
You're into nature, you're social and you think sustainable. We're not a party place! (no drugs, no alcohol), but we have lots of opportunity for you to enjoy beautiful forest walks, meditation, swimming, sauna. You have an eye for making spaces beautiful, you don't mind cleaning, you love people and you're solution-oriented. You enjoy being around other people, but you can also enjoy yourself in more quiet times.

Expected work times and hours
We have a 30-hour week, spread over 4-5 days a week. In general you help 6-8 hours a day. We make sure that every day you have a stretch of free time to enjoy the place and the surroundings. We do not exclude on age, but in general we aim for people between 20-35 years old. We prefer people who wish to stay 1-3 months. After 2 weeks we always do an evaluation together, to see if it is working well from both sides.

What do you get in return for your good work?

  • The opportunity to spend time in the beautiful surroundings: forest, little lakes, sauna. We have a tower that overlooks the forests all around, a reflection labyrinth and lots of forest walking paths.
  • You learn about (organic) gardening, vegan/organic cooking, eco building and the general workings of an eco retreat center. Many volunteers who have been with us come with the dream of one day participating in or starting a course center or community themselves.
  • Weekly inspirational workshop (1-2 hours) by members of the Mundekulla Staff in one of their areas of expertise: from meditation to sustainable cooking, from shiatsu massage to leadership.
  • You'll meet many new and inspiring people, make great memories and contribute to the values of creativity, sustainability and personal development we practice. We're super happy and grateful for the input we have received from a wide community of wonderful people.
  • Time of development and reflection. With some retreats/festivals you will be able to participate in part of the program. But this depends on each separate event! You do not automatically have access to the events. This is always in dialogue with the volunteer coordinator (Stephanie).

Languages spoken
English and Swedish

You'll share a double room. You'll live with 3-6 volunteers, all working in different areas. You share the bathroom, toilet, small kitchen and (outside) hangout space. We also have tent space for those who wish to come with their own tent. We have free internet access.

We provide ingredients for making your own breakfast, lunch and dinner.  If you have allergies, let us know :)

What else?

  • no alcohol, no drugs (we are a drug and alcohol free center)
  • respectful, communicative and attentive towards each other
  • access to spaces, but clean up behind yourself
  • good personal hygiene and dress appropriately

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Allt inom ljud & ljus & DJ – Hyr eller köp ljud eller DJ-utrustning. Bygg upp en speciell atmosfär till eventet, festen eller ditt framträdande. Välj ljud- och ljussystem med omsorg! Hos Billebro hittar du allt som behövs inom ljud och ljus. Hyr eller köp din PA eller DJ-utrustning, komplettera eventet med nya PA-högtalare till förmånliga priser. Vi som arbetar här är själva DJ:s, musiker, ljudtekniker och studiotekniker, vi vet vad vi snackar om och vi kan ge dig goda råd och bra support. Vårt breda sortiment samt vår kunskap inom ljud och ljus hjälper dig att bygga upp den perfekta lösningen! Och du, vi hjälper även till med installationen! Upp till 2 års delbetalning för max 50 000 kr via Klarna, ett år räntefritt!