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LEM DX24 40-bit loudspeaker delningsfilter 40bit processor 6 utgångar

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Artikel nr : LEMdx24
Kortnamn : LEM DX24 40-bit loudspeaker delningsfilter 40bit processor 6 utgångar
Märke : LEM DX24
Vikt : 5.00 kg
Volym : 0.08 m3
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LEM DX24 40-bit loudspeaker delningsfilter 40bit processor 6 utgångar
Italiensk superkvalitet som RCF.

Kan köpas i paket med rack och slutsteg till ett annat paketpris se extrabilderna, 12999kr inkl flightcase och slutsteg, vikt ca 35kg

INPUT section Connectors 2 x XLR-F
Nominal input sensitivity 0 dB (0.775 V)
Input Impedance 30kOhm, electrcnically balanced
Maximum Input Level +14d3u
Input Gain -a) / +6 cB variable in 0.5 dB steps

Output Section
Connectors 4 x XLR-M
Output Impedance 600Ohms, electronically belanced
Nominal Output Level 0 dBu
Maximum Output Level +14 cBu
Output Gain -30 / +6 dB variable in 0.5 dB steps

DSP Section
A/D converters 20 bit
D/A converters 24 bit
Internal dynamics 40 bit
Samplirg frequency 48 kHz


Configuration 2-WAY STEREO, 2,3,4-WAY MONO
Crossover Filters Type Besse', Butterworth or Linkwitz-Riley
Crossover Fitters Slope 6, 12, 18, 24, or 48d3 per octave
Delay Step 21 microseconds minimum
Max Delay time 932 ms (inputs), 189 ms (outputs)
EQ filters Up to 30 rrocirrum (dapsning on he crcsscver slcpe)
EQ Type Peak, 613 Lo-Shelf, 12B Lo-Shelf, 613 Hi-Shelf, 12B Lo-Shelf, Ncth
EQ Gain +/15dB, variable in 0.513 slaps
EQ Bandwith 005 to 3.00 octaves, variable in 005 steps
EQ frog 15.6 Hz to 16 kHz
Dynamcs Digital limiter on all he outputs

General Performance (with filters out)
Frequercy Response 20Hz - 20kHz, +0.25dB
Dynamic range >102dB 20Hz - 20kHz
Chanel Seperaticn >100dB 20Hz to 20kHz
Distortion (THD) 006%, 20Hz to 20kHz
Input Metering -24dB, -18dB, -12dB, -6dB, CUP relative to Clip point (+14dBu)
Output Metering -24dB, -12dB, -6dB, LIMIT relative to limiter threshold setting, CLiP

Dimensions 483x44x300 mm
Weight 4.0 Kg

The DX 4 Plus is a digital loudspeaker processor able to provide all the control functions needed by professional multi-amplification systems, thanks to his sophisticated algorithms.DX 4 Plus is an extremely versatile digital processor for loudspeaker systems based on the Generalmusic custom DSP RED 208. This powerful 40 bit resolution DSP, together with low-noise 24 bit converters, provides an extremely high processing quality and a dynamics suitable for the most professional applications.DX 4 Plus has inputs and 4 independent outputs and can be configured as 2-way stereo, 3- and 4-way mono or as distribution mixer with up to 4 outputs. Configurations that allows the 2 input signals to be summed and routed to different outputs are also available. Each of the 2 inputs features: Master Delay, available also on the input sum Digital Noise Gate 5-band parametric EQ Level control Each of the 4 outputs features: Delay line 5-band parametric EQ Crossover HP and LP filters which can be selected from the Bessel, Butterworth and Linkwitz-Riley types with slopes up to 48dB Phase control with 5° steps through a full 360° Digital Compressor/Limiter Level and Mute control DX 24 Plus include 7 Factory presets, each of which can be used as a basic configuration for preparing custom presets, others already optimized for LEM loudspeaker systems; also, 64 User presets can be freely programmed to store all the system settings with any of the Input/Output configurations available.All operations are carried out via user interface that includes a 2x16 LCD, a convenient dial for the parameter modification, selector buttons for the direct access to all the features and 4 LED VU-meters that provide a detailed visualization of each input or output signal. DX 4 Plus is also equipped with types of serial interface (RS232 and RS485) for the remote control thru a PC and for the linking of more units.
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