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Artikel nr : EawSB259
Kortnamn : EAW SB250
Vikt : 60.00 kg
Volym : 1.00 m3
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Fabrikat : EAW (
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139 dB 2x15" sub EAW SB250

The SB products are EAW’s premium subwoofers designed for the most demanding professional applications. Abroad range of capabilities and sizes provide the designer with selections that can be specifically matched to their application. Top quality drivers, engineered by EAW, provide the highest output and best sonic performance possible for a given form factor. All SB models are direct radiating, with optimally tuned, vented enclosures. SB subwoofers are the choice where the best sonic performance, highest reliability, and most robust physical construction are required.

The SB250 is a high output, compact subwoofer system. This versatile, all-purpose subwoofer is designed for permanent installation where the solid sound and impact of dual 15 inch drivers is desired. The SB250 works well with most full-range loudspeakers in a variety of applications including: small houses of worship, small auditoriums/theaters, A/V systems, hotel ballrooms, meeting rooms, classrooms, exhibit areas, f/x reinforcement, cruise ships, cinemas, and small dance clubs.

The SB250 is designed to be used with today’s sophisticated digital signal processing to optimize the LF response.

Six year warranty.

  • High output, compact subwoofer system
  • Designed for permanent installation where the size and the impact of a 15 inch driver is desired
  • Ideal applications include: small houses of worship, small auditoriums/theaters, A/V systems, hotel ballrooms, meeting rooms, classrooms, exhibit areas, f/x reinforcement, cruise ships, cinemas, and small dance clubs.


Frequency Response
36hz – 150hz
139 dB (Half Space)
Operating Mode

Single-amp LF1/LF2 DSP w/1-way filter
Dual-amp LF1, LF2 DSP w/1-way filter


2x 15 in. cone

Nominal Beamwidth
Horizontal 360°
Vertical 360°
Power Handling

Single Amp: 1050W @ 4ohms
Parallel: 525W @ 8ohms


Barrier Strip (SB250zP)
NL4 Input/Loop (SB250zR)


Height: 30.18 in (766.6 mm)
Width: 24.98 in (634.5 mm)
Depth: 19.62 in (498.3 mm)


112 lbs (50.8 kg)

EAW Amerikanska ljudentusiaster som bygger helt enastående proffshögtalare med extrem ljudkvalitet. Högtalarelement som de designar själva, låter bättre än allt vi ha hört tidigare. Och vi har hört mycket!

EAW är Eastern Acoustic Works, på Amerikas östsida. De är erkända över hela världen för sitt mästerverk inom ljudkonst.

EAW USA - bäst i världen på ljud enligt oss.

EAW är uppköpta av RCF

Eastern Acoustic Works was co-founded in 1978 by partners Kenneth Berger and Kenton Forsythe, who had previously worked together at Forsythe Audio.

EAW's first single enclosure system was the CS-3 designed for Carlo Sound in Nashville, Tennessee. It combined a B-215 dual 15-in low-frequency horn, a MR102 12-in mid-frequency horn and a Community BRH90 high frequency horn into one gigantic box, and was the first commercially available horn-loaded single enclosure box system.[1]

In 1985 EAW became famous by developing the KF850 loudspeaker system.[2] For many years this system was the standard among loudspeakers used for professional touring shows. With this system EAW gained much of its credibility in the professional audio industry. Carlo Sound and Sun Sound were among the first regional sound rental companies to receive the KF850's.[3]

EAW also became well known for creating custom loudspeaker designs for specific projects and applications. Technologies developed for these designs have led to the development of many of EAW's standard products, which are mainly used in professional and commercial sound reinforcement applications, such as concert venues, music and dance clubs, theaters, stadiums, theme parks, and houses of worship.

In 2000 EAW was purchased by Mackie Designs, Inc.,[4] now called LOUD Audio, LLC.

In 2018, EAW was purchased by RCF audio, to be run as a separate entity.[5]

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