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DENON MEGAREA: 2st DN-S3500 + Behringer DJX700

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Artikel nr : DEN megarea: 2st dn-s3500 + behringer djx700
Kortnamn : DENON MEGAREA: 2st DN-S3500 + Behringer DJX700
Märke : 2st dn-s3500 + behringer djx700
Vikt : 15.00 kg
Volym : 0.20 m3
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DENON MEGAREA JUST NU: 2st DNS3500 + 1st Behringer DJX700 mixer med hela 47 effekter
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Produktlänk : myshop/myshop_start.php?APPID=2&PRID=807 Artikel nr : 1202 Kortnamn : Denon DN-S3500 Fabrikat : Denon ( Ändra/Ny Märke : DN-S3500 REA REA REA REA REA Denon DN-S3500 till mycket tillfälligt REAPRIS!!! CD/MP3-spelare av Table Top-modell med sampler och effekter Motordriven skivtallrik för scratchning 33/45 rpm Drag-Start, Brake, Dump/Reverse, Seamless Loop, Scratching, Hot Start, A-B Trim, Pitch Control/Bend Inbyggda effekter: Flanger, Echo, Filter hi-mid-low, Echo Loop Next Track Reservation: steglös övergång mellan två spår från samma audio/MP3-CD Next Track med Crossfade, automatisk Crossfade till Next Track Sampler: cirka 15 sekunder; 16-bit; 44.1 kHz; kontroller för loop, volym och reverse Minnesfunktioner kan dumpas mellan två ihopkopplade enheter Relay Play med två ihopkopplade enheter Instant Start 0,02 sekunder Skakminne: 20 sek CD, 100 sek Mp3 Bpm räknare med minne Kompatibel med X-Effect MP3-funktioner: C.B.R/V.B.R Encoding 320 kbs, ID3 Tags, MP3 File Search System Läser CD-R/RW CD Text Nedladdningsbara mjukvaruuppdateringar/plugins från Utgångar: analog RCA, digital S/PDIF Anti-skakminne: 20 sekunder CD, 100 sekunder Mp3 270 x 80 x 320 mm; 6,2 kg SE VIDEOS HÄR:

Two Denon DNS-3500 CD Players - High Torque Direct Drive Motor Denon’s all new proprietary 12-pole Direct Drive brushless motor design, delivering instant full rotation speed with a powerful 2.5 kg/cm of start-up torque within 0.5 seconds for true turntable reaction and response. Perform freely as if you were using a genuine vinyl turntable. 4 Superb Built-in Effects Building the mood of your dance floor and remixing live has never been so easy with our on-board effects. Easily activate and have full parameter control with a unique Dry/Wet mix knob of the 4 effects: Flanger, Filter (High-Mid-Low), Echo and world’s first Echo/Loop. 3 Platter Effects – Brake: adjustable in real-time – Dump: reverse sound without losing true forward time – Reverse: the platter spins backwards too! New! Full MP3 Support: – MP3 Seamless Looping w/B Point Trim – MP3 Hot Starts – MP3 Frame Search – MP3 Memo (save your Cue points and Loops) New! – Supports C.B.R & V.B.R. decoding up to 320 kbps – ID3 Tags, Displays: (Title, Artist, Album) – ID3 BPM Tag (automatically recalls the BPM) – MP3 File Search System (easily locate files by name or folder) Next Track Function with Cross Fade Storing hundreds of your favorite MP3´s on one disc is now possible. But what if you want to play other files from the same disc back to back? Well, we answered your needs with our world´s first Next Track Reserve function. You can search for a song by name (without interrupting playback) and crossfade seamlessly to that file for a smooth non-stop mix upon your command. – The crossfade time is user adjustable. – Available for CD audio discs as well. Seamless Loop to Sampler Copy You can now easily copy your perfect CD/MP3 Seamless Loop over to the Sampler, even while it’s playing! This adds a whole new level of creativity such as, exchanging your disc during sample playback, perform CD scratch overlays with the sampler, and many more cool tricks. Two-Way CUE Search System Supports traditional Denon Cueing method and now another tabletop brand too! 33/45 R.P.M. Platter Speed Deep Pitch Resolution For those DJs who perform long mix transitions and require high pitch resolution, the DN-S3500 offers .02% for the 4% pitch range and .05% for the 10% pitch range. Hot Start and Seamless Loop Two Hot Starts (A1 and A2) can be made on the fly and easily turned into Seamless Loops. The length of the loop is unlimited for CD audio discs. The Hot Starts can also be used as Stutter points as well. Adjustable Loop End Point B Trim CD TEXT Support Key Adjust = Master Tempo The Key Adjust feature keeps vocals and music sounding true even when you adjust the speed of the track. 15 Second On-Board Sampler Sample any part of your CD/MP3 tracks on the fly and perform scratch overlays or even simple playback with full platter control and these other features: ±24% Pitch Control, B-Trim, Sampler Volume, 4-Way playback (Loop/Single/All/Stutter). Quick Loading Slot-In Drive 2-Way Platter Mode You can either scratch the CD source or the stored Sample by a touch of a button with the active spinning platter. Directional Scratch Lever This original Denon feature allows DJs to scratch in two ways. The traditional forward/back scrub sound and the ingenious Forward stroke sound to perform the same cuts as if you were using a mixer’s crossfader. 3-Way BPM Counter AUTO BPM, Manual TAP and ManualBPM value is also possible. CD Memo Function Cue point, BPM-New!, Playback Pitch & Range, Pitch ON/OFF, Key Adj ON/OFF, and Seamless Loop A and B data can be stored for later recall. Up to 5,000 points can be saved to internal memory and shared with other Denon players. Power On Play Relay Play Unattended playback is possible between two DN-S3500s when connected together. Great for the cocktail hour or during dinner time at banquet halls. Play Lock Prevents unintentional track change during playback. Eject Lock Prevents unintentional disc eject during playback Custom Slipmats The use of customizable paper slipmats is possible under the removable clear scratch disc to personalize the platter with your own unique design. 7 inch Record Adapter Looking for a true wax feel under you fingers? An included special Adapter allows users to mount their own 7" vinyl record to the platter. Pitch Control Range CD: ±4% (0.02% step), ±10% (0.05% step), ±16%, ±24% (0.1% step), ±50% (0.5% step), ±100% (1.0% step) MP3: ±4% (0.02% step), ±10% (0.05% step), ±16%, (0.1% step). Shock-Proof Memory 20 sec. (CD), 100 sec. (MP3). 100 mm Long Stroke Pitch Slider 3-way Pitch Bend Scratch Disc, Bend Buttons, or platter finger-pressure. Large Fluorescent Tube Display Quick Jump Jump in increments of 10/20/30/60 sec. Instant Start (0.02 sec.) Cue Stutter (CD or MP3) The Cue point can be stuttered repeatedly once set. • EOM Flashes status time bar when the track is about to end. CD-R/RW Disc Compatible Fader Start Control Terminal Digital Output Software Upgradeable by CD-ROM

Behringer DJX-700 mixer Professional 5-channel ultra low-noise DJ mixer with state-of-the-art phono preamps 47 breathtaking digital effect presets in 24-bit quality: delay, reverb, flanger, filter, panner, ultrabass, exciter, vinylizer, voice changer and more Intelligent dual auto-BPM counter with time and beat sync display Super-smooth ULTRAGLIDE faders with up to 500,000 life cycles Awesome adjustable XPQ stereo surround effect VCA controlled crossfader for utmost reliability and smooth audio performance Adjustable crossfader curve for all mixing styles 3-band kill EQ (-32 dB) and precise level meters with peak hold function per channel Additional 3-way kill switches with extremely steep frequency separation Monitor function with master/cue balance control and split option Auto-talkover function with separate depth control4 dual input stereo channels, 1 ULN microphone channel with "On Air" switch Dedicated FX loop for connection of external devices (sampler, reverb processor etc.) Phono inputs can be switched to line level Gold-plated RCA sockets for excellent audio quality Ultra-rugged construction ensures long life, even under the most demanding conditions
Denon - ett av världens bästa DJ-fabrikat - hög kvalitet
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Carl Martin 2Wah
Carl Martin 2Wah
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1 996:- exkl. moms



Allt inom ljud & ljus & DJ – Hyr eller köp ljud eller DJ-utrustning. Bygg upp en speciell atmosfär till eventet, festen eller ditt framträdande. Välj ljud- och ljussystem med omsorg! Hos Billebro hittar du allt som behövs inom ljud och ljus. Hyr eller köp din PA eller DJ-utrustning, komplettera eventet med nya PA-högtalare till förmånliga priser. Vi som arbetar här är själva DJ:s, musiker, ljudtekniker och studiotekniker, vi vet vad vi snackar om och vi kan ge dig goda råd och bra support. Vårt breda sortiment samt vår kunskap inom ljud och ljus hjälper dig att bygga upp den perfekta lösningen! Och du, vi hjälper även till med installationen! Upp till 2 års delbetalning för max 50 000 kr via Klarna, ett år räntefritt!