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Rane Serato Scratch Live

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Artikel nr : RAN-1361003
Kortnamn : Rane Serato Scratch Live
Märke : RANseratoscratch live
Vikt : 3.00 kg
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Fabrikat : Rane (www.rane.com)
Prod review Prod review Prod review Prod review Prod review
Rane Serato Scratch Live

Läs på länken! http://www.rane.com/scratch.html

Serato Scratch Live

System som gör det möjligt att DJ:a med digitala ljudfiler på samma sätt som med vinyl- eller CD-skivor. Med Serato Scratch Live använder du de medföljande tidskodsskivorna, kopplar dina skivspelare till det medföljande Scratch-interfacet som du i sin tur kopplar till din dator via USB. Sedan kan du scratcha och arbeta med dina digitala ljudfiler precis som med vanliga skivor. Serato Scratch Live har även en mikrofoningång som möjliggör talkback utan extra utrustning. Serato Scratch Live är kompatibelt med både OS X och Windows XP.Levereras komplett med:• 1 st Serato Scratch Live interface• 2 st vinylskivor med tidskod• 2 st CD-skivor med tidskod• USB- och RCA-kablar• Mjukvara

SERATO SCRATCH 7.850:- REA NU 6995:-

The Official Scratch LIVE Forum is online

PC Installation Alert! If you just got 1.4 in the box and doing a fresh install, read this.

Version 1.6.2 is available now at the forum!


Click on the screen for a JPG close-up.

General Description

Scratch LIVE is the ultimate software and hardware solution for bridging the analog world of vinyl and the digital world of computer audio files. Using regular turntables or CD players, you can scratch and mix files from your Mac or Windows XP computer´s CD or hard drive, add in a live mic input for scratching, and even bypass to standard vinyl if you wish. Scratch LIVE is the complete digital solution for the vinyl junkie -- take your entire collection wherever you go and leave your precious vinyl at home!

The SL 1 interface connects one or two standard vinyl or CD turntables to your computer. This extremely rugged, portable, high quality, bus-powered USB interface features two switchable phono or line inputs, a microphone input, two line outputs, and pass thru outputs for the phono/line and mic.

The included 12" vinyl records each have a Serato exclusive and unique control signal which allows Scratch LIVE to track the motion of the record, simulating the same movement with digital audio. Due to Serato´s proprietary control scheme, the result is a feel and sound indistinguishable from playing vinyl. As a producer and DJ, the track you finished today can be played on a real turntable tonight. You´ll never have to cut a dubplate again!

Scratch LIVE is licensed exclusively to Rane. For product information or tech support please contact scratchlive@rane.com.

The minimum operating system requirements are either a 800 MHz Mac G4 with OSX 10.3, or a 1GHz PC running Windows XP with Service Pack 2, either with 512M of ram or more. Intel Macs must use Scratch LIVE version 1.5, downloadable from the forum. See the Scratch LIVE FAQ. Further information about the software is available at the Serato website.

SL 1 Interface

System Setup

Scratch LIVE includes hardware interface, USB cable, 4 stereo RCA cables, printed manual, keyboard shortcut page, two vinyl records, two CDs, and software install disc in a display box.

Product Literature

New Vinyl

Control CD Download

  • US customers can purchase a pair of new control CDs from your dealer, or at the Rane Online Store. People in other countries should ask their distributor.
  • You can burn your own control CD if you have a burner and the right software after downloading the big control file (132MB). Scratchlivecontrol.zip requires an unzip utility to open, and includes two files. Scratchlivecontrol.wav is a stereo 44.1 file that you can drop into any burner application -- however, the track select portion at the end of the audio file reqires a special start time on a second track to function correctly. If you have Sony CD Architect, you can load the scratchlivecontrol.cdp file and it will incorporate the correct second track timing. When burning with any other application, do not adjust the levels, make sure no auto-levelling is turned on, don´t downsample or try another format, or the control signal won´t function.

Video Demonstration


User Comments

  • The mimicking of a true vinyl feel is absolutely uncanny. The information architecture is outstanding but the software is bully - Chris, NY
  • Great product! - David, DE
  • Looks and works very good. Great innovation! - Paavo, OH
  • Incredibly amazing product. I have been sold on the Rane name for quality products & look forward to my next purchase with great confidence. - Dexter, NJ
  • Always used vinyl...never thought I would ever give up, but now it may happen...no more heavy crates! Thanx - Roy, MA
  • Serato rules - stay live on the forums, your input and listening ears really help. - Allen, VA
  • This product is awesome! The technology and craftsmanship used to make this work is excellent. I love it! - Noah, HI
  • Can´t believe how simple the setup was. Now I have the option of mixing MP3 or WAV files on the fly! - William, NJ
  • SSL is a great product! Much, much better than the competition! - Jeffrey, AR
  • I appreciate your products & their quality! Keep up the good work, Rane. - Nicholas, CA
  • This is an awesome product! - Christian, CA
  • This product rocks! No regrets choosing Rane Serato over that other MP3 interface. - Jung, PA
  • I lost all my crates of records 13 years ago, you guys are a god send. Unbelievable product. Keep up the technology. - Kurt, NV
  • I knew about all other similar products, but this was by far the best one for the money. - Alexander, CA
  • I never knew 22,000 tracks could be so light. You Rock!!!!! - Matthew, CA
  • This is an incredible tool for all of us! Keep the innovation alive on wax! - Fernando, CA
  • It´s very practical and well designed for scratch DJ´s. - Jose, CA
  • Unlike another product of the same kind Serato Scratch Live by Rane actually works. I like to use products that work. - Matthew, CA
  • Great product!! Fully converted!! Love the Mic input. - Michael, HI
  • Serato is the Best! - Randy, WA
  • Excellent Product! Revolutionary! - Chris, HI
  • Greatest invention ever. - Sherman, VA
  • This is everything they say it is! An excellent product that exceeds that of its competitors. Highly recommended product! - Barry, CA
  • I was going to purchase another product, but I was unanimously told Scratch Live was it, hands down. - Jim, FL

Further Information

Scratch LIVE Drivers

If your Scratch LIVE installation disc is unable to extract the needed files to install the SL 1 Hardware driver for Windows XP, you will receive the following error message from the Windows Hardware Wizard.

Simply click Cancel, and get the message:

"(!) Found New Hardware. A problem occurred during hardware installation. Your new hardware might not work properly"

Here´s the fix:

The files needed to install the Scratch LIVE USB driver for Windows XP are here.

Right-click each file and save to your desktop, one at a time.

1. Connect the SL 1 Scratch LIVE Interface to your computer using the supplied USB cable.

2. The Windows New Hardware Wizard appears.

3. Choose the option "Install from a list or a specific location (Advanced)"

4. Check the box "Include this location in the search" then click Browse and point the New Hardware Wizard to the file named "SeratoUSB.inf" located on your Desktop. Click ´OK´, then ´Next´.

6. Windows may complain that the software driver is not digitally signed. Choose "Continue Anyway".

7. Click Finish once installation is complete.

Further help is available in the Help section of the Scratch LIVE Forum. You can get personal support by calling Shaun or Zach at the Rane factory, 8-5 PST.

© 2004 Rane Corporation. All rights reserved. Scratch LIVE and the Scratch LIVE logo are the trademarks of Serato Audio Research. Trademarked in the U.S. and other countries. Licensed exclusively to Rane Corporation.

Rane är ett av världens finaste DJ-märken helt och hållet tillverkat i England. Se www.rane.com Sjukt bra kvalitet. Även urgamla Rane-produkter är sjukt bra. Helgjutna prylar!

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Carl Martin 2Wah
Carl Martin 2Wah
2 495:-
1 996:- exkl. moms



Allt inom ljud & ljus & DJ – Hyr eller köp ljud eller DJ-utrustning. Bygg upp en speciell atmosfär till eventet, festen eller ditt framträdande. Välj ljud- och ljussystem med omsorg! Hos Billebro hittar du allt som behövs inom ljud och ljus. Hyr eller köp din PA eller DJ-utrustning, komplettera eventet med nya PA-högtalare till förmånliga priser. Vi som arbetar här är själva DJ:s, musiker, ljudtekniker och studiotekniker, vi vet vad vi snackar om och vi kan ge dig goda råd och bra support. Vårt breda sortiment samt vår kunskap inom ljud och ljus hjälper dig att bygga upp den perfekta lösningen! Och du, vi hjälper även till med installationen! Upp till 2 års delbetalning för max 50 000 kr via Klarna, ett år räntefritt!