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Artikel nr : PACK3473
Kortnamn : Behringer DDM4000 + Ultrasone DJ1PRO
Vikt : 8.00 kg
Volym : 0.03 m3
 Läs mer på tillverkarens hemsida
Fabrikat : Behringer
Prod review Prod review Prod review Prod review Prod review
En av världens bästa DJ-mixers idag. 32-bits, full midi, 4 multi-FX-enheter med effekter du aldrig hört maken till, 2 patenterade BPM-räknare, sampler, digitalutgångar, digital X-fader, kort sagt dröm-mixern för dig som vill kunna remixa, göra egen musik via datorn, inte bara byta låtar. Behringer DDM4000. Säg till vid order så får du just nu PÅ KÖPET: 2 midi-kablar + 10 CD-skivor!
Hörluren som slår Pioneer, Technics, alla: DJ1PRO Bäst i test. Ljudtestskiva medföljer.

Citat från nöjd DDM-4000-kund: "mycket trevlig med mycket effekter med/och avancerade inställningar, 4st line in kanaler, sampler och även möjlighet att koppla in och styra dator via midi.
Ljudkvalitén är utan tvekan minst lika jämförbar som hos dyrare Denon och Pioneer (har själv testat flera). Behringer gjorde verkligen ett framsteg när dom skapade DDM4000"
Ultimat 5-kanals Digital DJ Mixer med Sampler. 4 FX-sektioner, Dubbel BPM räknare och MIDI
  • 32-bitars digital DJ mixer med synkroniserad beat-sampler, 4 multi-FX sectioner, 2 patententerade * BPM-räknare, digital crossfader and MIDI-interface
  • 4 Phono-/Line- stereokanaler medger upp till 8 signalkällor att ansluta samtidigt
  • 2 Mikrofoningångar med gain, EQ, Talk-funktion och FX
  • 4 stereokanaler med Gain, programerbar parametrisk 3-bands EQ med "kill"-funktion, ställbar faderkurva och flexibel crossfader funktion
  • Sofistikerad sampler med beat-kontroll, loop funktion, realtids pitch-kontroll, sampler-FX och crossfader start
  • 2 fria valbara och BPM-synkroniserade, högkvalitativa FX-motorer (Bitcrusher, Resonator, Reverb, Flanger, etc.)
  • Ultrasnabb, nogrann och patenterad* BPM-räknare för automatisk BPM-synkronisering av sampler, FX, crossfader och externa trum-maskiner, etc. via MIDI
  • Digital crossfader med flexibel kurvjustering, rew-knapp och automatisk BPM-synkroniserad crossfading
  • Dubbelmod crossfader med innovativ selektivt valbar frekvens vid crossfading
  • Dedikerad hörlurssektion inkluderar PFL Mix/Split och Bass/Snare boost-funktioner
  • Återhämta din sista mixersättning med en knapptryckning
  • Digital S/PDIF-utgång för direktinspelning av dina spelningar
  • För att se en 6 minuters film om detta kraftfulla "monster" till DJ-mixer, följ länken: http://www.sonicstate.com/news/shownews.cfm?newsid=4519

The DDM4000 is a state-of-the-art 32-bit digital DJ mixer, jam-packed with creative tools, yet its intuitive layout will let you feel at home in an instant. Editing, storing and recalling your settings is simply a breeze!

Hook up your turntables and CD/MP3 players to its 4 stereo channels, each with fully programmable EQ and Kill switches. Put ultimate versatility at your fingertips with fully programmable beat-sync’able multi-FX modules, a pair of high-precision BPM counters and a digital crossfader with custom curve adjustment. And the super-cool BPM-sync’d sampler with real-time pitch control, loop and reverse functions will make your crowd go wild.

Get this deejaytal monster DDM4000 and become the star of the night!

Mixer the Magnificent

The DDM4000 is BEHRINGER’s state-of-the-art 32-bit digital DJ mixer. Sometimes even we can’t believe the amount of features we’ve crammed into this thing. Read on.

Choose Your Channel

The DDM4000 struts 5 independent channels. Channels 1-4 are crossfader-assignable stereo channels, suitable for both vinyl and CD decks, and have appropriate phono/line level toggle switches at the input. All channels feature 3-band digital EQs with up to 12 dB of boost and infinite cut option, or “kill." Any channel can be monitored directly via headphones thanks to the PFL switch above the fader.

A dedicated Mic channel is provided in mono, with 2 XLR mic inputs. The vocal channel features a special “talk" feature that attenuates the volume of the other 4 channels, ensuring you will be heard over the music. The Mic channel also has its own FX section that can be applied with a single button.

Cross My Heart

The core functionality of any DJ mixer lays in its crossfader. The DDM4000’s crossfader can be assigned to any of channels 1-4, and sports a 3-band EQ kill button on either side. The curve sensitivity of the crossfader is adjustable, and in the unlikely event that you wear it out, the crossfader itself is replaceable.

Step Up Your Samplin’

The DDM4000’s BPM-synced sampler is a sought-after addition. The sampler allows you to record a segment of incoming audio and loop it continuously without dropping the beat. Once your track is looping from the sampler, you can swap discs and queue up new tracks and mix them back in. The transition is seamless!


The DDM4000 features a stunning dual FX section that includes our patented BPM counting technology. This allows the mixer to read/display the BPM of 2 different inputs and to apply BPM-synchronized effects, such as an echo synced to the beat of the music. Effects such as bitcrusher, reverb, delay, pitch shift, and more are available, and can be assigned independently to multiple channels.
The DDM4000 is ideal for a club owner who has multiple working DJs performing on a recurring basis. User preferences like fader curve, FX settings, EQ, kill frequencies, etc., can all be set to various user accounts and recalled instantly. This feature can eliminate setup time between DJs altogether!

Swimming Upstream

When you combine the DDM4000’s digital operation with MIDI functionality, the door to creative applications opens REALLY wide. For example, the mixer can be used as a MIDI controller for your favorite DJ software—or whatever else you like! Channel faders, EQ knobs, and button presses can all be configured to send customized MIDI data. The possibilities here are quite endless.

All the Hits and More

The DDM4000 provides top-level functionality for the experienced DJ, at a cost that will have you smiling all the way to the bank. Grab yourself a DDM4000 from your nearest authorized BEHRINGER dealer and start spinning sets that will catapult you directly to star status!

  • 32-bit digital DJ mixer with beat-synchronized sampler, 4 multi-FX sections, 2 patented* BPM counters, digital crossfader and MIDI
  • 4 Phono/Line stereo channels allowing max. 8 signal sources to be connected simultaneously
  • 2 Microphone inputs with Gain, EQ, Talk function and FX
  • 4 stereo channels with Gain, programmable parametric 3-band EQ with Kill function, fader curve control and flexible crossfader assignment
  • Sophisticated sampler with beat-controlled loop function, real-time pitch control, sampler FX and crossfader start option
  • 2 freely assignable and BPM-synchronized, high-quality FX engines (Bitcrusher, Resonator, Reverb, Flanger, etc.)
  • Ultra-fast, accurate and patented* BPM counters for automatic BPM synchronization of sampler, FX, crossfader and external drum machines, etc. via MIDI
  • Digital crossfader with flexible curve adjustment, reverse button and automatic, BPM-synchronized crossfading
  • Dual-mode crossfader with innovative frequency-selective crossfading
  • Dedicated Headphone section includes PFL Mix/Split and Bass/Snare boost functions
  • Recall your last mixer setting at the push of a button
  • Digital S/PDIF output for direct recording of your performance
  • Rack mount brackets included for ultimate flexibility
  • High-quality components and exceptionally rugged construction ensure long life

Hörluren som slår Pioneer, Technics, alla: DJ1PRO Bäst i test. Ljudtestskiva medföljer.
  • EXTREM LJUDKVALITET - jämför mot lurar i 5000 kr klassen
  • Sveriges Radio byter nu succesivt ut alla sina Sony lurar mot Ultrasone
  • Utlåtande från Kent Billebro: Har själv använt Sennheiser HD25 i många år. Har aldrig hittat nånting som kommit i närheten av mina HD25, tills nu. Dessa lurar ger en ny ljudbild, en öppnare, mer levande ljudbild. Lika extremt bra ljudkvalitet som mina HD25, men här är ljudet öppnare, mer levande
  • Läs alla tidningstester http://www.ultrasone.com/index_en.php?level=2&CatID=13.64&inhalt_id=66
  • Första gången vi kom i kontakt med lurarna var en säljare som kom in i vår butik och utmanade oss. Påstod att dessa lurar slog allt vi hade, Technics, Pioneer, allt, alla! Och faan, killen hade rätt! Vi testade alla lurar i hela butiken (vi har MÅNGA! - testade endast de dyraste förstås - Denon, Pioneer, Technics, ingen klarade dessa, ingen!)
  • Denna modell har ÄNNU BÄTTRE ljud, modellen vi testade ovan heter DJ1.  DJ1 PRO är ÄNNU bättre. Suverän kvalitet på ljudet och på produkten. Både kunder och leverantörer är förstummade av ljudet av DJ1.    DJ1 PRO har ännu högre ljudkvalitet.
  • Ultrasone är ett "super-hifi-märke" som gör extremt bra, dyra hörlurar för TV, radio, ljudtekniker och hifi-entusiaster
  • Denna modell är magnetiskt avskärmad så du slipper strålning
  • Frekvensomfång 10 Hz - 22.000 Hz
  • Levereras i mjukcase med 1 ljudtest-skiva -som vi själva använder för ljudtest av högtalare, bästa ljudtestskiva vi hittat (!), 2 löstagbara kablar, en spiral 3m med volymkontroll och 1 rak mer än 3m, guldpläterade kontakter, guldpläterad adapter 6,3 till 3,5mm, extra öronmuffar

  • Foldable, closed-back professional DJ headphones with new Aluminium nameplates
  • New DJ1 PRO Box (hardcase) for safe transportation and storage, incl. accessories
  • Technologies:
  • S-Logic™ Natural Surround Sound
  • MU Metal shielding (ULE-technology)
  • Safer hearing
  • Förpackningens innehåll:
  • Professional headphones
  • 2 detachable cables: one coiled (length 3 m),
  • one coiled with volume control and stereo/mono
  • switch (length > 3 m) with gold- plated jacks 6,3 mm
  • and gold-plated adapter 6,3/3,5 mm
  • Spare pair of speed-switch ear pads
  • Demo CD med ljudtest
  • Instruction manual
  • Technical specifications
  • S-Logic™ Natural Surround Sound
  • Dynamic principle
  • Frequency range 10-22.000 Hz
  • Impedance 64 Ohm
  • Sound pressure level 102 dB
  • MU Metal bufferboard, reduced field emissions
  • in accordance with ULE (=Ultra Low Emission) standard
  • Driver 50 mm Mylar
  • Weight 295 g (without cord)
  • Long-term availability of spare parts
  • Character
  • In cooperation with the most famous DJs, Ultrasone developed these outstanding pair of professional DJ headphones. Using a heavy duty 50 mm Mylar driver, the closed-back DJ1 PRO provides the most powerful music output in combination with the most advanced technologies. Equipped with MU-Metal shielding these headphones also meet the needs of DJs considering safer hearing aspects. In addition you will find useful accessories in the DJ1 PRO hardcase: one coiled cord (ca 3m), one coiled cord with volume control and stereo/mono switch and a spare pair of speed-switch earpads. The new designed hardbox will ensure a safe transportation and storage.
  • ULE-technology & DJ1 PRO design
  • DJ1 PRO headphones stand for Ultra Low Emission (ULE-technology) with significant benefits for professional users and DJ1 PRO headphones show a specific design. The Ultrasone DJ1 PRO appearance does not only distinguish the professional line but also allows due to more ear anatomy area a higher degree of transparency in combination with the spatial sense and understanding.
  • To understand what ULE-technology does, you need to know that most headphone drivers produce low-frequency magnetic fields as they convert an electric signal into an acoustical signal you hear as music. In response, Ultrasone developed a special MU Metal shielding (ULE-technology) to reduce the radiation by up to 98% compared to current headphones. The ULE-technology has stood the test of international review and is recommended by technical surveillance organisations. Ultrasone originally developed the ULE-technology for professionals as they do spend half of their lives in headphones. But due to grand requests the ULE-technology has now been integrated in other Ultrasone headphone lines.
  • S-Logic™ Natural Surround Sound
  • Through S-Logic™ Natural Surround, the sound moves out of your head and into the room around you. Consequently, the music is no longer confined, but breathing once again, spacious and organic. Direction and distance are more easily perceived – it’s like being at a live concert (…or in the studio). No additional equipment is necessary. So with just a pair of Ultrasones and your favorite audio device, prepare yourself for genuine 3-dimensional enjoyment!
  • Safer hearing
  • S-Logic™ does not only create a Natural Surround Sound. S-Logic™ allows at the same time a reduction of sound pressure levels by up to 40% (3-4 dB) for the same loudness sensation. This may reduce the risk of hearing damage while ensuring hours of fatigue-free listening. However, Ultrasone generally advises not to listen to music at high volumes to prevent hearing damage.

LÄNK: http://www.ultrasone.com/index_en.php?level=1&CatID=13.38&inhalt_id=45&shop_level=2&shop_CatID=1&shop_inhalt_id=0&do=showDetails&artikel_typ=allgemein&artikel_id=20

Behringer https://www.behringer.com/
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Allt inom ljud & ljus & DJ – Hyr eller köp ljud eller DJ-utrustning. Bygg upp en speciell atmosfär till eventet, festen eller ditt framträdande. Välj ljud- och ljussystem med omsorg! Hos Billebro hittar du allt som behövs inom ljud och ljus. Hyr eller köp din PA eller DJ-utrustning, komplettera eventet med nya PA-högtalare till förmånliga priser. Vi som arbetar här är själva DJ:s, musiker, ljudtekniker och studiotekniker, vi vet vad vi snackar om och vi kan ge dig goda råd och bra support. Vårt breda sortiment samt vår kunskap inom ljud och ljus hjälper dig att bygga upp den perfekta lösningen! Och du, vi hjälper även till med installationen! Upp till 2 års delbetalning för max 50 000 kr via Klarna, ett år räntefritt!