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slutsåld bcd3000 + kam khp2000

Antal  2
3 499:-
2 799:- exkl. moms
Delbetala från 151:-/månad eller ett år räntefritt
Fraktkostnad : 99:-
Translate  English  Norska  Finska  Danska  Spanska
Artikel nr : PACK3639
Kortnamn : slutsåld bcd3000 + kam khp2000
Vikt : 6.00 kg
Volym : 0.02 m3
 Läs mer på tillverkarens hemsida
Fabrikat : Behringer
Prod review Prod review Prod review Prod review Prod review
Behringer BCD3000 DJ-Konsol +  Kam KHP-2000 hörlur.
Digital arbetsmaskin för den DJ som söker framtidens smidigaste verktyg med ett välutvecklat användarinterface och möjlighet att ansluta 2 skivspelare eller 1 CD-spelare och 1 skivspelare. En vidarutveckling från den erkänt bra modellen BCD2000 som vann DJTECH Awards 2006.

Produkter som ingår i paketet

  • Erhåll ultimat kontroll över din virtuella DJ-maskin och spela, mixa och scratcha MP3, AAC, WMA, OGG, WAV samt AIFF filer med vinylkänsla
  • Programvaror medföljer; Native Instruments Traktor 3 LE DJ med iTunes import, Beatport music store integration samt ytterliggare podcasting- och inspelnings-mjukvaror
  • Effektfull 4-kanals USB-interface med 24-bit omvandlare och ultralåg latency under Windows XP eller Mac OS X operationssystem
  • Ditt kompletta DJ-setup i en enda låda; dubbel-spelare, mixer, effekter, 2 skivspelaringångar, 1 CD-ingång samt en fullt utvecklad monitorsektion
  • 2 st suveräna jog-rattar för att kontrollera typiska DJ-funktioner som scratching, pitch-bending och cue-searching
  • Total kontroll på ljudkvaliten mha en 3-bands EQ, loop knappar. Pitch och level faders finns per kanal samt en ultrasmidig crossfader
  • Använd de 2 interna phonoingångarna till att mixa dina vinylskivor med MP3-filer eller kör BCD3000´n som en digital DJ-mixer med full kontroll
  • Interna mikrofoningångar med individuell nivå- och EQ-kontroll ger maximal röstkvalitet för DJ’s snacket mfl
  • Individuella kontroller för play, cue, loop, pitch bend, sökning och flera effekter mm

Klicka på http://www.behringer.com/BCD3000/index.cfm?lang=eng så får Du MER info!

Traktor mjukvara INGÅR i priset, kostar 2195 kr om du skulle köpa bara programvaran!


Den bästa DJ-hörlur KAM någonsin tillverkat. 53mm membran, sjukt bra bas. Just nu FRAKTFRI LEVERANS hela Norden!
  • Stora 53mm membran för ultrastark bas, klar mid och diskant
  • 50 ohm impedans för maximalt ljudtryck
  • Frekvensomfång 10 Hz - 30.000 Hz
  • Extra robust konstruktion
  • 180-graders svängbara för DJ och studio
  • Mycket bra ljudisolering
  • Avtagbar kabel
  • Lyxförpackning med:
  • 3 st oxygen-free koppar (OFC) kablar i olika längder
  • Extra par muffar
  • Guldpläterad adapterplugg
  • Mjukcase / bag medföljer
  • Hopvikbara för att ta minimal plats i case
  • Ergonomisk design för högsta komfort

Mer om BCD3000:

B-CONTROL DEEJAY—the Hottest Hands-On DJ Mixer from BEHRINGER It’s everything you ever wanted in a DJ production tool. It’s gorgeous, you can put your hands on it and the software is just irresistible. The B-CONTROL DEEJAY BCD3000 DJ mixer lets you play, mix and scratch any MP3, WAV or other audio format with a real vinyl feel. Packed with mind-blowing features such as mixer, dual-player, effects, mic/phono preamps and a full-fledged monitor section, this 4-channel USB audio interface perfectly complements the included Native Instruments Traktor 3 LE DJ software or most other DJ software, running on Windows XP and Mac OS X operating systems. You´ve waited long enough. Go to your local dealer, and make sure this hot babe is yours. Put your hands on and spin! Includes Traktor 3!!


DJ Magazine

April 2007


“The way the hardware works with the software is among the most responsive we’ve seen. It almost feels like you’re operating the hardware and the controls on the screen suffer from very little latency. The scratch control is cool and the scratch sound in Tractor 3 LE is much better than the previous software. It’s surprisingly good at keeping hold of the scratch point during a scratch."

“Tractor 3 LE saves this super-value controller from mediocrity, and makes it a leading player for beginners and semi-pro DJs on a budget."

“Bargain low latency DJ-friendly Midi and audio interface, works with any software on Mac and PC."

The complete article is to be found on page 112 in Vol.4/No.37 DJ Magazine

DJ Magazine

April 2007

Johnny Arthur, one of the best up-and-coming DJs in England wrote in DJ Magazine, April 2007:

“Can’t live without BEHRINGER BCD3000."

“It’s just a great all-round controller. I use it to try out mixes and listen to tracks instantly when I’m downloading tunes, without having to burn CDs. It’s perfect for when I’m travelling, as I can be working out what tracks work well together in a hotel room."

“The fact that it works on my new Mac is the main thing for me , and the new Tractor LE has some good features, like the filters …."

An itch to scratch

Can a gadget turn an amateur into a pro club DJ for a night?
By John Dugan  Photograph by Marzena Abrahamik

If you’ve always wanted to deejay but are intimidated by the thought of dancers mocking your ineptitude on the turntables, you’re in luck. The new cheap, easy-to-use, portable hardware and software systems for mixing songs (see “Hot boxes,") make it easier than ever for nongearheads to deejay sans turntables. These systems—complete with faders and knobs just like audio mixers that work in tandem with DJ software running on your laptop—let you manipulate digital music files as though they were sides on a record.

ALL HANDS ON DECKS First-time DJ Taryn Parker works the controls of the Behringer BCD 3000 at J Bar.

But how would a wanna-be DJ with no turntable experience fare in a real club with one of these new systems? We decided to find out. 

For our experiment, we put the Behringer BCD 3000 through the paces: It packs a punch for the price; it’s easy to set up; and it has an intriguing number of knobs and dials that make for a good tactile deejaying experience.

As for the club, J Bar at the James Hotel graciously allows us some play time—it has a primo sound system, and West Coast hip-hop producer Clinton Sparks recently spun there. But no pressure, right? To ease our novice spinmaster’s nerves, we secure the DJ booth for a mellow Tuesday night when tourists and downtown party prowlers are the only audience.

Our guinea pig is Taryn Parker, a Humboldt Park resident who is launching a clothing line, Coco Irene, this winter. When she takes the reins just after 10pm, she’s got a concentrated, not-messin’-around look on her face. Parker has wisely brought a posse of five friends to boost her confidence—there’s also a group of business-casual conventioneers, some dashing fellows in matching polos and one guy who hits on women by referencing his lack of endowment. Savvy.

While Parker sets up, a woman in a tight gray dress and knee socks asks for some hip-hop. But when Parker opens with Lil’ Kim’s “The Jump Off," Ms. Knee Socks barely moves to the beat. Okay, so Parker’s not an instant success, but soon her track selection—alternative rock, slow jams and not-too-recent hip-hop—begins to work some magic. She manages a smooth transition into ubiquitous gay anthem “I’m Coming Out" by Diana Ross, then into Queen and David Bowie’s hit “Under Pressure," which earns an appreciative hoot from one table. Next, she switches to the dirty South beats of OutKast’s “Gasoline Dreams," prompting one cocktail-sipping gal to mutter, “I don’t know about that segue."

But that’s the most jarring moment of the night, and the crowd is enjoying the tunes—a father and son and some canoodling couples are smiling, drinking and singing along (though they stop short of getting on the dance floor).

Her guilty pleasures—from Warren G’s sampling Michael McDonald in “Regulate" to the Cure’s “Fascination Street"— are more college mix-tape than dance-magic, but the set is charming, leading to discussions among the crowd of proper booty-dancing form. Yet even as more partyers stroll in and get settled, no one is cutting a rug—not even Parker. Finally, when she starts a Justin Timberlake “Love" suite—“My Love," “Summer Love" and “Like I Love You"—Parker relaxes and starts grooving in the booth, while the amiable crowd mostly sticks to lounging around the corners of the club. There’s not much dancing, but it’s a Tuesday night after all, and Parker’s getting the job done, giving the crowd a fun, stimulating and danceable set.

Read more: http://chicago.timeout.com/articles/features/23931/an-itch-to-scratch#ixzz0Tt4SAOKo

Behringer https://www.behringer.com/
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