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Reloop SMP-1 USB 222569

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Fraktkostnad : 79:-
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Artikel nr : REL-SMP-1USB
Kortnamn : Reloop SMP-1 USB 222569
Märke : Reloop SMP-1 USB
Vikt : 1.80 kg
Volym : 0.03 m3
 Läs mer på tillverkarens hemsida

Prod review Prod review Prod review Prod review Prod review
Dubbel DJ-spelare med USB och 2 SD-kortingångar. Master tempo, 2 BPM-räknare, sömlösa loopar. Koppla HDD eller USB-sticka, SD-kort och spela! 2 dubbla RCA utgångar. Demo ex utan kartong.
Reloop SMP-1 USB

New and innovative technology made by Reloop. With the SMP-1, Reloop presents a double SD card player that renders unnecessary the annoying transport of countless CDs and records. The handy control unit is reminiscent of classic double CD players. The handling is also similar to these devices. MP3 files can be saved to SD cards and then be played, mixed or looped with the SMP-1. The two integrated SD card slots can be flexibly assigned to each side. Furthermore the SMP-1 USB possesses a USB port which facilitates a connection of USB media storage devices such as USB sticks or external hard drives in order to play MP3 files. The large VFD displays with its red illumination and all the important display functions cater for the ideal perspective in the club. Due to the automatic and maual beatcounters, frame search, fader start play, ID-3 tag display and track listing as well as the large jog dials for that extra comfortable handling, there is nothing that the future-oriented DJ could wish for.


* MP3 compatible double SD card player
* Handy control unit with 2 SD card slots
* USB port for connection of USB media storage devices
* Both SD card slots can be assigned flexibly to each side
* Two seperate stereo audio outputs
* Seemless loop with reloop function
* Large VFD displays for all important functions with bright red illumination
* Pitch range +/-4%, 8%, 16%
* Pitch bend +/-4%, 8%, 16%
* Automatic and manual beatcounter
* Master tempo
* ID-3 tag display
* MP3 track listing
* Search/scan via large jog dial
* Folder search
* Frame search
* Instant-start technology
* Elapsed/remain time display
* Single/continue play
* Relay play

technical data

* SD Card: max. 32 Gb
* USB-Stick/HDD: max. 500 GB
* USB-HDD without mains adapter: max. 160 GB
* Dimensions: 482 x 88.8 x 94 mm
* Weight: 1.8 kg

Reloop ett av världens största DJ-märken. Finns i 88 länder. Vunnit många utmärkelser. Tysk superkvalitet. Generalagenten har även Tannoy, Dynacord, ElectroVoice.

Prenumerera på vårt nyhetsmejl, se längre ned till vänster på denna sida.



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