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Detta kan leda till samarbete med SKOGSREJV som dotter Yrla Miranda driver samt många andra samarbeten. Jag äger och förvaltar även FOLKETS HUS RAMSJÖ med scen och 450 publikplatser samt HEDSJÖ CAMPING med 350m sandstrand och 10.000kvm öppen yta i ett fd sand och grustag intill HEDSJÖ SKOLA. Möjligheterna är unlimited. Hur blir det ännu bättre och vad mer är möjligt?

Jag är DJ, dansare, poet, healer, volleybollspelare, superkapitalist, singel, livskonstnär, eventkoordinator, VD och ägare för . 3000kvm ljud och ljusutrustning finns till förfogande, även antika roliga grejor!
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Yorkville EX2B

29 950:-
23 960:- exkl. moms
Delbetala från 1.004:-/månad eller ett år räntefritt
Fraktkostnad : 895:-
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Artikel nr : 839
Kortnamn : Yorkville EX2B
Märke : EX2B
Vikt : 83.00 kg
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Fabrikat :  Specifikationer
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Yorkville EX2B slutsålt ring oss för ny modell

Det här slår och klår ALLT!!! Du MÅSTE komma in och PROVLYSSNA!!! Så kompakt, litet och så otroligt VÄL-LJUDANDE!!! Klicka på länken ovan och läs!!! Flera kunder har sagt att det låter som Nexo (men kostar bara en bråkdel av vad Nexo kostar).

En 1200W 18" bas som spelar nästan lika starkt som två dubbel-18" (vi har A-B-testat!!) och med en DEFINITION som vi inte hört förut, du hör varenda DETALJ i basen, och sådant GRYMT knuff, man "blåser bort". Allting skakar när vi testkör i butiken. Precis ALLT! Två 225W 12" + 2" driver, toppar som spelar gudomligt rent.

Komplett aktivt högtalarsystem med sub-bas och toppar. Hjulplatta medföljer för smidig transport; topparna transporteras liggande på basen. Perfekt för lokaler med upp till 450 personer. Levereras med kablage (2x8 m, Speakon-kontakter).     • Topp slutsteg: 2 x 225 watt • Sub-bas slutsteg: 1200 watt         Toppar • Element: 12" och 1" horn med 2" driver • Toppar 100 - 18000 Hz 56.5 x 36.25 x 27.3 cm • 14,9 kg Sub-bas:• Element: 18" • 42 - 100 Hz • 75 x 55.8 x 46.3 cm • 51 kg Elektronik • Ingångar: 2 st XLR och 1/4" TRS • Kontroller: Subwoofer volym / separat volym för topparna.

élite éXcursion Series
éXcursion2000 - 2 1x12 Sat / 1x18 Sub

The élite éXcursion Series is the ideal marriage of Yorkville Sound’s loudspeaker design experience, electronics innovation and power amplifier engineering. We have taken our 40 plus years as an industry innovator and pushed the boundaries yet again to create the ultimate "all-in-one" complete and convenient PA system solution for live sound or mobile DJ applications.

The simple concept behind the élite éXcursion2000 was to create a powerful effective and mobile active stereo club system PA centered around one 18-inch subwoofer and two 12-inch / 1-inch satellite loudspeakers. The core of the élite éXcursion2000 is the single 1200-watt (1900 watts burst) active subwoofer loaded with the same powerful 18-inch driver used in the popular élite LS1208 subwoofer, the flagship of the élite passive subwoofer line. Powering all 3 cabinets is a breeze with all three separate power amplifiers being incorporated into the electronics of the active subwoofer.

complete, self contained and powered system with passive and active crossover networks, equalization, and separate stereo and subwoofer level control all built in, making the élite éXcursion Series the ultimate in compact live/DJ systems. A complete PA system that truly is "Plug and Play"

All of the élite éXcursion Series products are built to Yorkville’s exacting standards and include our famous two year (even if you break it!) transferable warranty.* The latest in amplifier technology is incorporated in all éXcursion systems ensuring ultra quiet, highly efficient, high output, low distortion, and light weight from a combination of Class D and 3-tier Class A/B amplifier topologies.

Three separate power amplifiers are incorporated into the electronics of the éXcursion2000 active subwoofer. Yorkville’s proven high output low distortion class-D technology is used for the Subwoofer amplifier. The mid / high frequency component of the élite éXcursion2000 is driven by a stereo 450-watt power amplifier. A three-tier Class A/B amplifier design was chosen for the mid / high component of the system that delivers ample power with extremely low distortion. An integrated electronic crossover network ensures an acoustically perfect transition between the subwoofer and the mid / high satellite speakers. Opto-limiter circuitry in the crossover network provides an unobtrusive and ‘musical sounding’ compression that not only protects the speaker components, but also ensures balanced and clear reproduction from the satellite cabinets.

éXcursion2000 Ready to Roll The entire system can be connected to any mono or stereo mixer source through either XLR or 1/4-inch TRS balanced inputs. The satellite speakers are connected to the subwoofer with two 25-foot (8m) Speakon™ speaker cables that are included with the package. The system is powered by one AC line cord ensuring quick and convenient set-up and teardown, with a minimum of cabling and connectivity around the stage. To ensure trouble free movement from Point A to Point B, the éXcursion2000 comes shipped with a detachable swivel caster dolly and Velcro™ tie down strap for the satellite cabinets. Unlike competitive system solutions, the caster kit from the élite éXcursion2000 does not remain attached to the subwoofer when the system is in use, eliminating caster buzz and rattle during live performances. Nesting the satellite speakers on top of the subwoofer is a breeze thanks to the uniquely routed channel, sized and shaped specifically to match the contours of the éXcursion2000 satellite speakers. This ensures a snug, hassle free teardown at the end of a long night.

Great care was taken during the initial circuit design to ensure good common mode rejection (50 / 60-cycle hum rejection) at the input so this PA system is as free from extraneous noise as possible while in use. Separate gain controls for subwoofer and for the right and left satellite cabinets are easily accessible from the back panel. Warning lights show the user when the system is limiting or clipping at the input. True to Yorkville loudspeaker design, all of the cabinets in the élite éXcursion2000 are made with plywood, not MDF or composites.

*Warranty valid in U.S.A. and Canada only


  • Ideal PA system solution for audiences of up to 400 people.
  • Complete PA system that truly is "Plug and Play," all amplification is built-in.
  • Voiced for recorded music playback as well as live sound reinforcement applications.
  • XLR and 1/4-inch TRS balanced inputs connect easily to any mixer source.
  • Active crossover network and integrated power amplification creates a seamless balance between subwoofer and stereo full range loudspeakers.
  • System nests together for easy transportation and storage.
  • Ultra quiet, highly efficient, high output, low distortion, and lightweight compact PA solution
  • Integrated bar handles and standmount adaptors.
  • Solid plywood cabinet construction.
  • Available in both Black Ozite Carpet (EX2) and Black Ultrathane (EX2B) painted finishes.
  • Removable caster kit.
  • Two-year (even if you break it!) transferable warranty

élite éXcursion Series Overview

The élite éXcursion Series is the ideal marriage of Yorkville Sound’s loudspeaker design experience, electronics innovation and power amplifier engineering. We have taken our 40 plus years as an industry innovator and pushed the boundaries yet again to create the ultimate "all-in-one" complete and convenient PA system solution for live sound or mobile DJ applications.

The simple concept behind the élite éXcursion Series was to create a powerful, effective and mobile active stereo club system PA centered around one subwoofer and two satellite loudspeakers. Powering all 3 cabinets is a breeze with three separate power amplifiers being incorporated into the electronics of the active subwoofer. A complete, self contained and powered system with passive and active crossover networks, equalization, and separate stereo and subwoofer level control all built in, makes the élite éXcursion Series the ultimate in compact live/DJ systems. A complete PA system that truly is "Plug and Play"

All of the élite éXcursion Series products are built to Yorkville’s exacting standards and include our famous two year (even if you break it!) transferable warranty.* The latest in amplifier technology is incorporated in all éXcursion systems ensuring ultra quiet, highly efficient, high output, low distortion, and light weight from a combination of Class D and 3-tier Class A/B amplifier topologies.

Self-Contained Complete Portable System XLR and 1/4-inch TRS balanced inputs ensure the élite éXcursion Systems can be connected to any mixer source. Great care was taken during the initial circuit design to ensure good common mode rejection (50 / 60-cycle hum rejection) at the input so this PA system is as free from extraneous noise as possible while in use. Separate gain controls for subwoofer and for the right and left satellite cabinets are easily accessible from the back panel. Warning lights show the user when the system is limiting or clipping at the input. True to Yorkville loudspeaker design, all of the cabinets in the élite éXcursion Series are made with plywood, not MDF or composites.

* Warranty valid in U.S.A. and Canada only

élite éXcursion Series Characteristics

  • Complete PA system that truly is "Plug and Play," all amplification is built-in.
  • Voiced for recorded music playback as well as live sound reinforcement applications.
  • XLR and 1/4-inch TRS balanced inputs connect easily to any mixer source.
  • Active crossover network and integrated power amplification creates a seamless balance between subwoofer and stereo full range loudspeakers.
  • Ultra quiet, highly efficient, high output, low distortion, and lightweight compact PA solution
  • Integrated bar handles and standmount adaptors.
  • Solid plywood cabinet construction.
  • Optional black Ultrathane painted finish available - Chosen for its durability and attractive looks.
  • Two-year (even if you break it!) transferable warranty

EX2B 34.950:- just nu 5000kr rabatt!

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Allt inom ljud & ljus & DJ – Hyr eller köp ljud eller DJ-utrustning. Bygg upp en speciell atmosfär till eventet, festen eller ditt framträdande. Välj ljud- och ljussystem med omsorg! Hos Billebro hittar du allt som behövs inom ljud och ljus. Hyr eller köp din PA eller DJ-utrustning, komplettera eventet med nya PA-högtalare till förmånliga priser. Vi som arbetar här är själva DJ:s, musiker, ljudtekniker och studiotekniker, vi vet vad vi snackar om och vi kan ge dig goda råd och bra support. Vårt breda sortiment samt vår kunskap inom ljud och ljus hjälper dig att bygga upp den perfekta lösningen! Och du, vi hjälper även till med installationen! Upp till 2 års delbetalning för max 50 000 kr via Klarna, ett år räntefritt!