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Artikel nr : MAC-3204-VLZ3
Kortnamn : MACKIE 3204-VLZ3
Vikt : 18.00 kg
Volym : 0.15 m3
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Prod review Prod review Prod review Prod review Prod review
Mackie 3204 VLZ3  32-kanals 4-bus mixer med 28 VLZ3 low-noise studio-grade XDR2™ mic preampar, dubbla effektgeneratorer, ljudkort och mjukvara - ett skyltex till specialpris • 130dB dynamic range • Distortion under 0.0007% (20Hz – 20kHz) • Phantom power for studio condenser mics • 4 subgroups, featuring dedicated compressors for total dynamic control • Dedicated inline channel compression for critical inputs (ch. 25-28) • 3-band active EQ with carefully selected frequency ranges for maximum flexibility • Dual 32-bit RMFX+™ processors featuring 24 "Gig Ready", useable reverbs, choruses, and tap delay for live applications • Integrated 4x2 24-bit USB interface • Stream subgroups or master L/R to your PC or Mac for recording • Use your favorite plug-in live via auxes 5/6 • Convenient stereo return to mains for music playback or return to channel and implement EQ, auxes and more • 6 aux sends with inserts, pre/post fader and internal/external FX send options available • 18dB/oct. 100Hz low cut filter • 60mm long-wearing logarithmic-taper faders • All steel, classic Mackie "Built-Like-A-Tank" chassis design • Smallest footprint in class saves precious desk space • Lightweight and portable ( 39 lbs / 17.7 kg ) • Includes Tracktion 3™ Music Production Software for Mac or PC
The 32-channel Mackie 3204-VLZ3 combines VLZ3 low-noise, high-headroom technology with increased channel count and superior processing that’s perfect for real-world live gigs. 28 XDR2™ mic channels, each with 3-band, sweepable mid EQ, offer more clean and useable gain than the competition. Create great-sounding, professional mixes using dedicated channel and subgroup compression, dual RMFX+™ effects processors and true 4-bus architecture. You can even connect to your laptop to record the show, stream house music or use your favorite plug-in live using the built-in 4x2 USB interface. Define your sound, create your mix and record the whole show with the 3204-VLZ3.


Vastly Superior XDR2™ Mic Preamps
Our XDR2 mic preamps offer incredibly low noise, with individual mic pre THD below 0.0007%, and overall mixer THD less than 0.0025%. With 60dB of available gain per channel, the 3204-VLZ3 can handle inputs ranging from a whisper to a scream, and can even take hot line-level signals up to +22db, without any added coloration. You simply won’t find preamps this good on any other mixer in this price range.

Optimized 3-Band EQ
Tremendous resources went into optimizing the center points of the channel EQ, giving VLZ3 mixers practical useful equalization, providing not only sonic enhancement and correction, but also the tone-shaping facility to actually improve the musical nature of the original signal. The 3204-VLZ3 features 3-band EQ on all channels, with a sweepable mid on channels 1-28.

More Headroom and Less Distortion
High headroom and low noise have always been hallmarks of Mackie mixers. Our VLZ3 mixers are a perfect example — we´re able to get even more headroom and less noise thanks to a better use of negative summing architecture. We mix all signals in the summing amp at -6dB, for lots of headroom right off the bat. Then we add 6dB of gain to the standard 10dB found in the fader gain stage. The net result is the ability to mix more hot signals without distortion.


“Gig Ready" Effects
Dual (as in 2) RMFX+ effects processors bring “gig-ready," useable effects to your mixes, including an extremely useful tap function for delay. Basically, we’ve delivered a full rack of gear at your fingertips that is easy to master, allowing you to look and sound really good at your next gig. Really, really good.

Dedicated In-Line Compressors
Compressors are a critical tool for both live sound and recording. The 3204-VLZ3 features eight dedicated in-line compressors, delivering simple, sweet dynamic control with the single twist of a knob. Use the compressors on channels 25-28 for your most important vocals and instruments. There is also a compressor on each of the four subgroups, which is great for compressing common groups like drums for live or recording applications.

Aux Sends with Inserts
The 3204-VLZ3 houses six independent aux sends, perfect for many standard live and recording applications. Each and every aux send has an independent master level control and AFL (after fader listen) solo button to quickly check what you’re sending to that mix destination. And to top it off (and unlike the vast majority of the competition), every aux send features a TRS insert, allowing you to hook up a 31-band graphic EQ for each of your monitor mixes.

That’s right…the 3204-VLZ3 has a built-in 24-bit, 48kHz USB interface that’s ideal for both live and studio recording. The 4x2 built-in 24-bit, 48 kHz USB system goes above and beyond what the other guys can offer, providing out-of-the-box 4-track recording straight to your Mac or PC. Perfect for recording and archiving great live performances, true multi-track outputs deliver real flexibility in post-production so you can create a meaningful mix instead of being stuck with the exact stereo feed from the show. With flexible routing, you can even route your favorite DAW plug-in and use it live. The two-channel DAW return can route to the mains for playback during breaks or feed into channels 31/32 with access to EQ and aux sends.

VLZ3 4-Bus mixers offer the best footprint-to-channel count ratio available, delivering more features in less square footage. After all, it can get pretty crowded up at front of house…why mess with bulky boards that have a ton of unnecessary real estate? Taking the time and effort to design our boards with the engineer in mind may not be the easiest or cheapest route, but we know that compact is where it’s at. And in true Mackie tradition, the 3204-VLZ3 is “Built-Like-A-Tank". Just check out this cool video of its little brother, the 802-VLZ3. There is no doubt that Mackie boards are road worthy, willing to take the abuse that would simply destroy the competition.

Mackie ägde EAW under många år. EAW är en av världens bästa högtalartillverkare, Mackie har inkluderat EAW:s kunnande i sitt koncept. EAW ägs nu av RCF.
Prenumerera på vårt nyhetsmejl, se längre ned till vänster på denna sida.
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Allt inom ljud & ljus & DJ – Hyr eller köp ljud eller DJ-utrustning. Bygg upp en speciell atmosfär till eventet, festen eller ditt framträdande. Välj ljud- och ljussystem med omsorg! Hos Billebro hittar du allt som behövs inom ljud och ljus. Hyr eller köp din PA eller DJ-utrustning, komplettera eventet med nya PA-högtalare till förmånliga priser. Vi som arbetar här är själva DJ:s, musiker, ljudtekniker och studiotekniker, vi vet vad vi snackar om och vi kan ge dig goda råd och bra support. Vårt breda sortiment samt vår kunskap inom ljud och ljus hjälper dig att bygga upp den perfekta lösningen! Och du, vi hjälper även till med installationen! Upp till 2 års delbetalning för max 50 000 kr via Klarna, ett år räntefritt!