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Crown DC300R beg superhifi slutsteg

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Artikel nr : CROdc300R
Kortnamn : Crown DC300R beg superhifi slutsteg
Vikt : 25.00 kg
Volym : 0.08 m3
Prod review Prod review Prod review Prod review Prod review
Crown DC300R, ett av världens bästa och mest väl-ljudande slutsteg, beg i mycket bra skick. 2x680W max, 2x340W rms.

In many ways, the 1967 introduction of the AB+B-class DC 300 ushered in the era of the modern, high power amplifier. Offering 340 watts/channel (at 4 ohms), 4-rackspace, 40-pound beast. And with its rock-solid construction, and internal thermal and V-I protection modes, the DC 300 was the ideal solution for high-end consumers, high-SPL studio monitors and live sound systems coming into vogue with the summer of love. (Click here to download a vintage DC300 datasheet.)


Crown´s DC 300 arrived in 1967—just in time for the Summer of Love.

Yet through it all, someone at Crown has always maintained a sense of humor. The original service manual for the DC 300 is entitled "300 Watts and a Cloud of Smoke" and its introduction includes advice such as "try to avoid going to sleep while reading the rest of this manual."

Years later, a DC 300 was immortalized in a magazine ad that showed the unit half-submerged in a muddy field, based on a real story: (Click here to download a copy of the DC 300A ad.)

"In the early evening of September 17, 1973, Jay Barth was at the wheel of a 22-foot utility truck that was loaded with sound equipment. Just north of Benton Harbor, Mich., an oncoming car crossed the center line; fortunately, Jay steered clear of the impending collision. Unfortunately, a soft shoulder caused the truck to roll two and one half times. Exit several DC 300As through the metal roof of the truck´s cargo area. The airborne DC 300As finally came to rest—scattered about in a muddy field, where they remained partially submerged for four and a half hours. Jay miraculously, escaped injury; the amplifiers apparently had not. Unbelievably, after a short time under a blow dryer, all the amps worked perfectly and are still going strong. The rest—and the truck—is history."

Even today, some 40 years after their original introduction, many DC 300s are still used in professional audio applications, a testament to Crown reliability.

Crown DC 300

Crown DC 300 Enters TECnology Hall Of Fame

L-R: Gerald Stanley and George_Petersen

""   Listen to an audio clip from the award presentation (Flash required)

NEW YORK CITY - November 2007 -- As a fitting cap to Crown International´s 60th anniversary year, the DC 300 amplifier, first introduced 40 years prior in 1967, was inducted into the TECnology Hall Of Fame on the opening day of the 123rd AES Convention in New York City. Gerald Stanley, Crown International´s senior VP of R&D and the original designer of the DC 300, was on hand to accept the award.

Presented by the Mix Foundation for Excellence in Audio, best known for its production of the TEC Awards, and hosted by the AES, the Fourth Annual TECnology Hall Of Fame ceremony was emceed by George Petersen, executive editor of Mix magazine and director of the TECnology Hall Of Fame.

Petersen prefaced Crown´s award by remarking, "[The DC 300] was a classic that really ushered in and defined the era of the modern power amplifier. And 1967 was a perfect time for this product to come out. Suddenly there were rock concerts that were high SPL--very loud--and needed great amplification. Live sound systems were coming into vogue. Listening levels in recording studios in 1967 started going through the roof and somebody needed to produce an amplifier that was loud enough to take care of this. And even 40 years after its introduction, there are so many of these DC 300s still in service, it´s an amazing testament to Crown reliability."

Accepting the award, Gerald Stanley commented in his own inimitable way, "I must say this is quite humbling. Engineers don´t normally get put in the spotlight. But there are some people that are even less in the spotlight that I think are very important in all of this. One are the people that faithfully drive the screws and solder the joints; the people who work and make these products reliable. Nothing I do as an engineer matters if people don´t put it together faithfully.

"There´s a second group that almost never gets mentioned, and that´s the group of risk-takers. You see, technology doesn´t really ´happen´ unless people take risks to do things that are new and different. So who are the risk-takers? They´re you, the users. Because, after all, the year is 1967. There have been a number of power amplifiers out. They all break, and fairly soon; you hardly have to abuse them at all. You´ve already bought ´N-1´ of these things, so why would you try to buy the Nth one and think it any better? That wouldn´t be rational. And especially when you consider that you would have to go to a tape recorder company--Crown International--located in Elkhart, Indiana. It´s where you make band instruments and travel trailers. That´s what Elkhart´s famous for. So people took a huge risk. And 685 dollars in 1967 is a different quantity materially than it is today. People put a lot of trust in us, quite frankly, and we´re humbled by that. And we want the products that we make today to be as faithful and enduring and as apt to their purpose as the DC 300 has proven to be. But hats off to you, the users, who cast your lot with us and gave us a try. I thank you."

Introduced in 1967, the high-powered, solid-state Crown DC 300 power amplifier offered 150 watts per channel at eight ohms and AB+B circuitry. The product´s reputation for high output power, pristine sound, and exemplary reliability, even in the most demanding applications, quickly helped establish Crown as a true leader in the worldwide power amplifier market.

The Mix Foundation for Excellence in Audio established the TECnology Hall of Fame in 2004 to honor and recognize audio products and innovations that have made a significant contribution to the advancement of audio technology. This year´s 15 inductees to the TECnology Hall of Fame were chosen by a panel of more than 50 recognized audio experts, including authors, educators, engineers, facility owners and other professionals. For more information on this year´s event and inductees, which included such notable items as the Theremin, Cannon XLR connector and AKG C-414, visit http://www.mixfoundation.org/hof/techof.html.

About Crown International:
Crown International, a Harman International company, manufactures amplifiers, microphones, and systems control products for professional audio markets worldwide, with corporate headquarters located in Elkhart, Indiana. For more information, visit Crown online at www.crownaudio.com.

About the Harman Pro Group:
The Harman Pro Group (www.harmanpro.com) is the world´s largest provider of professional audio products and system solutions for commercial sound, contracting, tour sound, recording and broadcast, musician, portable PA and cinema applications. The Group is headquartered in Northridge, California and includes industry leaders AKG Acoustics, BSS Audio, Crown International, dbx, DigiTech, JBL Professional, Lexicon, Soundcraft, and Studer. The Group is part of Harman International Industries, Incorporated (NYSE: HAR), a leading supplier of high-quality, high fidelity audio products and infotainment systems for the automotive, home and professional markets.

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