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Artikel nr : KRKRP6G2YELLOW
Vikt : 11.00 kg
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Fabrikat : KRK (
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KRK Rokit 6 RPG2 Yellow. Extremt rent ljud och supersnygg design i gult. Begränsad upplaga. 68 W rms, 136 W musik. 6" glas-aramid-kompositkon + neodym-diskant med 24dB aktiv delning, 2 inbyggda slutsteg.

KRK ROKIT 6 Overview

The KRK Rokit Series takes value-priced monitors to a new performance level. All of the great stuff that Rokit´s have been known for (front-firing bass port, soft-domed tweeter, glass aramid composite yellow cone) are still there, but the G2 Rokit´s feature refined voicing and a new curved baffle that looks great, reduces diffraction and provides even better monitoring accuracy.

Studio Monitor Series from KRK Systems. For years the Rokit series has been a popular choice for accurate monitoring in studios large and small. Now the all new Generation 2 RoKit provides a new standard for even better performance and accuracy, raising the bar once again.

No Pain With Gain
Why compromise gain structure to achieve a comfortable listening level? As musicians and recording people ourselves, we´ve asked that question too. So each Generation 2 Rokit comes with an Input Volume Control that provides an adjustable gain range from +6dB to -30dB. Just another way the Rokit lets you focus on your mix, and not on compatibility concerns.

Catch A Wave, For A 3D Mix
Recessed tweeters may look the same, but they don´t perform the same. KRK has designed a superior tweeter wave guide for the Rokit that provides optimal high frequency pattern control and focuses the sound outward, away from the cabinet. More conventional designs direct sound along the plane of the cabinet where waveform interaction can cause phase problems and increased diffraction. KRK knows a properly engineered high frequency wave guide is a critical component to great sound, and one key to our award winning performance.

You´ve Got Connections
At KRK our focus is your mix. But it doesn´t stop at creating accurate monitors. We live this stuff and appreciate the need for monitors that not only sound great but work easily into your particular set up. That´s why you´ll find plenty of input options with your Rokit, sure to accommodate any studio environment. So if it´s RCA, Quarter-Inch (balanced/unbalanced) or XLR inputs you require, Rokit has got you covered.

Even More Accurate Than Before
We took a great monitor series and made it better. Our engineers and listening panel took the Generation 2 Rokits´ speaker voicing to even more accurate levels. What you hear is what you are intended to hear, coloration is not part of the spec. This performance is brought to you by drivers that are custom-designed by our world-class studio monitor engineering team, for clear, low-distortion performance.

Take Control
While your Generation 2 Rokit leaves the factory voiced to our demanding specs, KRK also knows that no two rooms "sound" the same. As such, each Rokit comes equipped with a High Frequency Level Control. This feature provides specific adjustment of high frequency output most commonly affected by room acoustics. It´s just one extra level of control that KRK gives you to ensure the most accurate mix for your particular room´s acoustics.

Don´t Be Square, Curves Ahead
Our new Rokit looks different, so it can sound better, and in a wider "sweet spot". Traditional rectangular speakers suffer from diffraction as sounds leaving the edge of the cabinet are reflected back into the original sound field, and at different time intervals. This phase distortion creates a "narrow" or boxy" sound. The Generation 2 Rokit series eliminates this issue with radically engineered curved surfaces, so diffraction is virtually eliminated. Simply put, you´ll get better sound in a wider area.

Let´s Be Up Front
Take a look at competitive monitors and you´ll find ports on the back of the cabinet. These rear-firing ports tend create bass coupling with walls and corners amplifying low frequency information which will color your mix. The superior design of the KRK Generation 2 Rokit´s include front-firing ports, which are just the right shape and taper to reduce port turbulence. You´ll appreciate the clean and accurate bass performance, this approach delivers, even at high SPL´s.

Power Up!
A great sounding monitor doesn´t stop with a great cabinet and custom drivers. Our true bi-amplified amplifier system provides discrete low-distortion power for each driver. While our active crossover systems provide smooth and accurate frequency response, and again, accurate diffraction control.


KRK ROKIT 6 Features

  • 1" Neodymium Soft Dome Tweeter with Ferro Fluid
  • Glass Aramid Composite Cone Woofer
  • Radically curved front plate design virtually eliminates diffraction distortion
  • Waveguide design provides amazing detail and imaging
  • Front-firing port provides low freq extension without boundary coupling
  • New speaker voicing for even more accurate frequency response
  • Peak SPL : 107dB
  • Frequency Response 49Hz - 20kHz (+/- 1.5 dB)

*Ratings based on continuous power specifications

KRK ROKIT 6 Technical Specifications

  • Drivers:6" Glass Aramid Composite Woofer
  • Tweeter:1" Neodymium Soft Dome Tweeter with Ferro Fluid
  • Frequency Response:49Hz - 20kHz (+/- 1.5 dB)
  • Video Shielding:Yes
  • Input:
    • XLR (3-pin)
    • 10k Ohm Balanced
    • RCA & 1/4" TRS
    • 10k Ohm, Balanced / Unbalanced
  • Amplification:HF: 18 Watts/LF: 50 Watts
  • Dimensions (H x W x D): 12 11/16" x 8 7/8" x 10 1/2" / 32.1cm x 22.5cm x 26.6cm
  • Weight:19.6 lbs / 8.9 Kg

Ett års garanti. KRK började i ett garage i England... Högtalarna fick världsrykte och sitter nu i inspelnings-studios över hela världen. Prince, Madonna, you name it... De flesta stora världsartister har KRK i sina studios och hemma.e cigg
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Allt inom ljud & ljus & DJ – Hyr eller köp ljud eller DJ-utrustning. Bygg upp en speciell atmosfär till eventet, festen eller ditt framträdande. Välj ljud- och ljussystem med omsorg! Hos Billebro hittar du allt som behövs inom ljud och ljus. Hyr eller köp din PA eller DJ-utrustning, komplettera eventet med nya PA-högtalare till förmånliga priser. Vi som arbetar här är själva DJ:s, musiker, ljudtekniker och studiotekniker, vi vet vad vi snackar om och vi kan ge dig goda råd och bra support. Vårt breda sortiment samt vår kunskap inom ljud och ljus hjälper dig att bygga upp den perfekta lösningen! Och du, vi hjälper även till med installationen! Upp till 2 års delbetalning för max 50 000 kr via Klarna, ett år räntefritt!