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Artikel nr : MAC-SRM-450_h
Kortnamn : MAC-SRM-450_h
Vikt : 18.20 kg
Volym : 0.12 m3
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Prod review Prod review Prod review Prod review Prod review
MACKIE SRM 450 V2 aktiv processorstyrd högtalare med studiokvalitet, dubbla slutsteg 800W max 400W rms, 24dB elektronisk delning med tidskorrigering, fasgruppering och EQ, 1,75" titan-diskant, 2,5" talspole på den servostyrda NEODYM-basen, flygfästen. Enkel att koppla till dator/ipod. Vi inkluderar alla kablar i hyran.
En legendarisk PA-högtalare har nu fått sig en ansiktslyftning.
Två nya, hypereffektiva inbyggda slutsteg, en lättvikts neodynium-högtalare samt en Fast Recovery™ kompressionsdriver resulterar i ännu mer effekt, klarhet samt ‘punch’! Studiomonitor är det man kommer tänka på när man lyssnar på SRM450v2 första gången. Närmare musikern är svårt att komma. Hemligheten är en mängd tekniska begrepp som man egentligen inte borde behöva bry sig om. Och med SRM450v2 behöver du det inte heller. Koppla in strömmen och signalen från din mixer och du har ett perfekt ljud!

• 2 vägs monitor med aktiv delning och inbyggda slutsteg.
• 12” bas med 2,5” talsplole
• 1.4” driver med 1.75” titanmembran
• 900 x 450 exponential horn
• 24 dBs Linkwitz-Riley delningsfilter
• Fas och tidskorrektion samt EQ
• 600 + 200 W MAX / 300 + 100 W RMS Fast Recovery™ slutsteg
• Multikabinett med monitorvinkel, stativ & flygfästen.
• Ingångsnivå justerbar från linje till mik
• Loudnessknapp för t.ex. musiklyssning
• Multipla skyddskretsar för överhettning, limitering mm
• Expansionslucka på baksidan för framtida tillbehör, mixer etc
• Vikt 18.2 kg

Mackie SRM450 v2 Black - 2-way multi-purpose active speaker with 12" woofer, 1" horn with 90°x 45° dispersion, 127dB maximum SPL, 75Hz lo-cut switch, mic/line input. XLR , Dimensions: 660 x 390 x 376 mm. Weight: 18kg.

WE WORKED TWO YEARS TO GET IT RIGHT It doesn´t matter if you´re a DJ, church, or Iron Maiden tribute band, you need loudspeakers that won´t crap out in the middle of a show, or distort when you turn them up past 3. That´s why we designed the SRM450—the first and only portable active 2-way loudspeaker with onboard bi-amplification, active crossovers, time-correction and renowned Mackie sound quality. Thanks to countless hours of R&D—and one very-hard-to-please Greg Mackie—the SRM450 delivers real, accurate bass down to 55Hz; midrange that´s free from ear-fatiguing harshness; and detailed treble out to 20kHz.Better still, the SRM450 offers astonishingly wide dispersion that lets your whole audience hear clearly, whether they´re in the front, back, or way out on the sides of the room. Above all, the SRM450s crank! Without a hint of distortion, they effortlessly achieve sound pressure levels beyond the legions of look-alike portable loudspeakers on the the market today.

ULTRA-WIDE DISPERSION Ever been to a show where the music sounds great in front, but craps out once you get to the back or sides of the room? We have, and that´s why we gave the SRM450 a multi-cell horn throat aperture. Sure, it´s hard to say, but what it does is allow for much wider and more even dispersion of high and mid frequencies — so the wallflowers get the same great listening experience as those up front.

TIMING IS EVERYTHING In most loudspeakers, the compression driver that reproduces mid and high-frequencies is located deep inside the enclosure, while the low-frequency driver is much closer to the front of the enclosure. With this setup, bass arrives at listeners´ ears sooner than treble, muddying the sound. We remedied these unfortunate laws of physics with high-zoot electronics which allow precise alignment among the system components with zero signal degradation.

BETTER THAN YOUR AVERAGE BOX Anyone with a factory can build a box and stick some speakers in it (and that´s just what many do). But low-frequency transducers in square boxes can create resonances that reflect off the rear wall and pass through the woofer cone out of phase, and ready to mess up your sound. The SRM450 enclosure is an asymmetrical monocoque design with no parallel surfaces, causing mid and high frequency resonances to be reflected at angles into internal damping materials, instead of interfering with the woofer doing its thing.

DUAL FR SERIES AMPLIFIERS Let´s face it, 99 percent of the time compact PA speakers are cranked to the max. That´s why the SRM450´s beefy internal 400-watt amplifier section features dual FR series amps — one for each driver — both designed for extreme output. The amp section is built around a huge toroidial transformer, massive storage capacitors, and state-of-the-art output transistors, all adding up to superior sound, night after night.

SERVO FEEDBACK CONTROLLED LF TRANSDUCER FOR STUNNING BASS Based on Mackie´s award-winning HR824 studio monitor technology, the servo feedback damping electronic circuit within the SRM450 provides amazing results. The circuit "locks" the woofer in place with the positive and negative outputs of the amplifier in a way that no external amp and passive woofer can ever achieve. This creates a solid direct-coupling that delivers extremely deep bass from a small cabinet. SUPERB FLOOR MONITOR When the first warranty cards came back, we noticed that a lot of folks were raving about what a great floor monitor the SRM450 made. Okay, it´s super accurate. And it´s designed to be tilted. But there had to be more reasons than that.

Mackie tillverkar PRO audio sedan 1988. Ett av Amerikas bästa märken. Samarbeten med RCF och EAW.
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Allt inom ljud & ljus & DJ – Hyr eller köp ljud eller DJ-utrustning. Bygg upp en speciell atmosfär till eventet, festen eller ditt framträdande. Välj ljud- och ljussystem med omsorg! Hos Billebro hittar du allt som behövs inom ljud och ljus. Hyr eller köp din PA eller DJ-utrustning, komplettera eventet med nya PA-högtalare till förmånliga priser. Vi som arbetar här är själva DJ:s, musiker, ljudtekniker och studiotekniker, vi vet vad vi snackar om och vi kan ge dig goda råd och bra support. Vårt breda sortiment samt vår kunskap inom ljud och ljus hjälper dig att bygga upp den perfekta lösningen! Och du, vi hjälper även till med installationen! Upp till 2 års delbetalning för max 50 000 kr via Klarna, ett år räntefritt!