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Alto ZMX122FX sista ex i kartong i Krylbo - kan tas ner till Sthlm eller ta annan modell

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Artikel nr : ALTZMX122FX
Kortnamn : Alto ZMX122FX sista ex i kartong i Krylbo - kan tas ner till Sthlm eller ta annan modell
Märke : SLUTSÅLD ALTO Professional
Vikt : 2.00 kg
 Läs mer på tillverkarens hemsida
Fabrikat : Altair (
Prod review Prod review Prod review Prod review Prod review
8-kanals mixer. 256 effekter. Studioljud 0.005% dist. -110dB brus. 12 ingångar. 4 guldpläterade XLR mik. Balanserade line. 2 stereo in. Extremt stor dynamik. 3-bands EQ på varje kanal. Alesis 24-bits effektprocessor. 3-bands EQ på varje kanal. 2 aux monitor/effekter. 2 bus. Main och Control Room. Alto ZMX122FX. Italiensk superkvalitet.
  • 16 total inputs including XLR jacks with Phantom Power on channels 1 through 4
  • 4 mic input channels with gold-plated XLR and balanced line inputs
  • 2 stereo input channels with balanced TRS jacks
  • Extremely high headroom offering extra dynamic range
  • 3-band EQ on each channel
  • On-board digital effects processor and 3-shelf EQ on each mono and stereo channel
  • Footswitch input for effects bypass/activation (footswitch not included)
  • 2 aux sends pre-fader for external effects and monitoring
  • 2-bus design with Main and Control Room 1/4" stereo outputs

Professional Mixing Features with a Go-Anywhere Attitude 
The ZMX122FX is an eight-channel, two-bus mixer with all the inputs, outputs, routing, EQ, and effects you need for more intimate live performance reinforcement situations. It features four microphone inputs with balanced TRS jacks (two with Phantom Power), a three-band EQ and two AUX sends on each of the four mono channels and the two stereo channels, and even two-track inputs for integrating audio playback devices. The ZMX122FX is a perfect, take-anywhere professional mixer.

256 Onboard Effects
""Regardless of what you're mixing, give your mix a professional edge with 256 onboard 24-bit DSP effects designed in partnership with Alesis, a coveted creator of sound-shaping digital effects that has been setting standards for DSP technology for nearly three decades. Choose from room and space delays, small and large hall acoustics, plate and spring reverbs, flangers, chorus effects and more. The ZMX122FX offers 16 variations of 16 professional Alesis effects from which to build, tweak, and dial in your sound. There's even a footswitch input so you can bypass all effects hands-free (footswitch not included).

Versatile Inputs and Outputs
""The ZMX122FX is the swiss army knife that your creative life needs. Not only can you can plug dynamic, condenser, and wireless microphones into the first four channels, but you also get two stereo channel inputs for keyboards, drum machines, and other instruments. Plus, you can easily plug in your MP3 player, CD player, or audio from a DVD player into the CD/TAPE inputs. You also have two AUX sends that you can use to send streams of audio from your mixer to a digital effects unit, stage monitor, or any number of sources. Choose the ZMX122FX as the audio central command for your live performances, home studio, or video suite.

High Headroom, Low Noise
The ZMX122FX packs an enormous amount of features into a very compact space, but we took a no-compromise approach where the purity of your mix is concerned. This compact mixer brings the same standard of quality to your performances as our top-of-the-line models. All Alto Professional ZMX mixers are designed with high headroom and ultra low-noise, discrete mic preamps so you always get the full dynamic range of your mix every time. Pristine sound. No compromises.

Visualize Your Mix
""We designed every ZMX mixer with your performance in mind. Oftentimes venues are dark and it can be hard to see what you're working with. Alto Professional solves this problem by not only color coding each section of the mixer, but also by using brightly colored knobs so that you can easily find what you need to adjust before you ever lay a finger on the mixer. Our blue, red, yellow and white pots are instantly easy to identify in dim lighting. LED indicators for output level, peak, and phantom power also assist in making sure that you have multiple visual cues that compliment everything you're hearing.


Input Channels: Mono channels (Ch. 1 - 4)
Microphone Input: Electronically balanced, discrete input configuration
Frequency Response: 20 Hz to 22 kHz, +/-1 dB
Distortion (THD&N): ≦0.005% At +4 dBu, 1 kHz
Gain range: 0 dB to 50 dB (Mic)
Maximum Voltage Gain: 70 dB Ch. Mic input → Main Mix out & Tape out, 80 dB Ch. Mic input → Control Room & Phones, 60 dB Ch. Mic input → Aux send
SNR (Signal to Noise Rate ): ≧110 dBu
Phantom power (Mic Pin 2 / Pin 3 and Pin 1): +48 V - with switch control
Line Input: Electronically Balanced
Frequency Response: 20 Hz to 22 kHz, +/-1 dB
Distortion (THD&N): ≦0.005% at + 4 dBu, 1 kHz
Gain Range: 15 dBu to 35 dBu
Stereo Channels: (Ch. 5 - 8)
Line Input: Electronically Balanced
SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio): ≧110 dBu
Frequency Response: 20 Hz to 22 kHz, +/-1 dB
Distortion (THD&N): ≦0.005% at +4 dBu, 1 kHz
Gain range: -20 dBu to +20 dBu, 60 dB Ch. Line → Main Mix out
Maximum Voltage Gain: 20 dB FX Return → Main Mix out, 20 dB RCA Tape input → Main Mix out
Microphone Input: 3.9 kOhms
All Other Inputs: 10 kOhms or greater
Tape Out: 1 kOhms
All Other Outputs: 120 Ohms
Mono Channels: High ±15 dB @ 12 kHz, Mid ±15 dB @ 2.5 kHz, Low ±15 dB @ 80 Hz
Stereo Channels: High ±15 dB @ 12 kHz, Mid ±15 dB @ 2.5 kHz, Low ±15 dB @ 80 Hz
Alesis DSP Section
A/D And D/A Converters: 24-bit
DSP Resolution: 24-bit
Type of effects: Hall, Room, Vocal & Plate Reverbs Mono & Stereo Delay (max delay time 650 ms) Chorus, Flanger & Reverb modulations, Reverb+Delay, Reverb+Chorus, Reverb+Flanger combinations
Presets: 256
Controls: 16 x 16-position preset selector
Crosstalk: Adjacent Input ≦-80 dB @ 1 KHz (Ch. 1-6) , Input to Output ≦-75 dB @ 1 KHz (Stereo L/R, Ch. 1-4, Pan: panned hard left or right)
Main Mix Section
Tape, Aux, Phones Output
Output level: 0 dBu Unbalanced, 1/4" Jacks, Max out +22 dBu Unbalanced, 1/4" jacks
Noise (Bus noise): ≦-90 dB @ 20 Hz ~ 22 KHz (channel & Main level at 0 dB, other at minimum, DSP mute)
Power supply: 18 V, 1500 mA
Rated power consumption: 27 W

Dimensions (WxLxH): 256mm x 250mm x 72mm
Weight: 5.07 lb

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Allt inom ljud & ljus & DJ – Hyr eller köp ljud eller DJ-utrustning. Bygg upp en speciell atmosfär till eventet, festen eller ditt framträdande. Välj ljud- och ljussystem med omsorg! Hos Billebro hittar du allt som behövs inom ljud och ljus. Hyr eller köp din PA eller DJ-utrustning, komplettera eventet med nya PA-högtalare till förmånliga priser. Vi som arbetar här är själva DJ:s, musiker, ljudtekniker och studiotekniker, vi vet vad vi snackar om och vi kan ge dig goda råd och bra support. Vårt breda sortiment samt vår kunskap inom ljud och ljus hjälper dig att bygga upp den perfekta lösningen! Och du, vi hjälper även till med installationen! Upp till 2 års delbetalning för max 50 000 kr via Klarna, ett år räntefritt!