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Vestax CDX-35 demo ex

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Artikel nr : VEScdx35
Kortnamn : Vestax CDX-35 demo ex
Märke : CDX-35 demo ex
Vikt : 3.00 kg

Prod review Prod review Prod review Prod review Prod review
Vestax CDX-35. Endast ett demo ex kvar. Klipp, kostat 7995:-. Nu 2699:-

Professional CD Mixing System

At last Vestax has a CD player that takes CD mixing further than ever before. The CDX-35 offers analogue touch cueing and quick pitch bending in the same way as a turntable with a user interface that allows the user to perform to their maximum ability. The old phrases used to dispel CD mixing no longer apply, making CD’s better for beat matching and precise cueing more than ever before!

The CDX-35 also offers various advantages only possible with advanced DSP technology such as seamless loop, master tempo/ master pitch, five cue memory points and for the first time ever: reverse play! This is all possible due to two DSP chips being used for the best playability and the most advanced features.

The CDX-35 consists of two parts, a controller and a player. One controller has the capacity to control up to two players by switching between A + B. Also, the controller can control play, pause and cue on the unselected player while the main unit is fully operational. Therefore, one controller and two players make a complete dual CD player system with all of the advanced features. One more controller can be added for more precise control of the two players simultaneously.

The CDX-35 has been designed to fit in to various set ups. Generally, it is hard to find the right spot alongside a full DJ system for a CD player. Thanks to the compactness, the CDX-35 can easily be set in the most convenient position within the DJ booth, or within many other system configurations, such as bars, mixing studios, home hi-fi or general DJ use. Two controllers or players can be fitted into a 19’ rack with our optional bracket. Two or four players can be mounted by using the optional rack. This flexibility enables DJ’s to complete their system without the hassle o0f space problems.

Analogue touch cueing system: thanks to a large buffer memory and ultra fast DSP, the cue point can be searched for with a jog wheel, just like an analogue player. The sound is produced as the wheel is spun, back and forth, slow or fast, just like cuing vinyl.

Point Focus: the new way to cue CD’s: an alternative way of cueing has now been provided. The CDX-35 produces a short loop of sound around the laser pick up, just like any other CD player. The difference with the CDX-35 is that the length can be adjusted from 0.013 to 3 seconds. Therefore, exactly one beat, one half bar or full bar of music can be monitored in a loop and the loop can be moved around. This advanced monitoring system makes the CDX-35 cueing more fun and less hassle.

Seamless Loop: Up to 20 seconds of sound can be looped instantaneously by pressing the relative keys. Dedicated start, stop and re-loop/ exit buttons allows the DJ’s to create and play loops on the fly.

Master Tempo/ Master Key: In addition to regular pitch control, the CDX-35 offers two-advanced tempo and key controls. Thanks to DSP technology, the tempo can be changed +/- 10% without changing the Key, and the Key can also be changed +/- 20% without changing the tempo. This feature allows DJ’s to mix music in perfect pitch and key.

Reverse Play: The CDX-35 even plays music in reverse. This special feature, which was only possible with our PDX-D3S turntable, is now available by just touching a button.

Four + One instant cue positions: The CDX-35 offers more playability with a total of five cue/memory points. This feature makes the CDX-35 an almost endless sampling machine.

Selectable Repeat Play Mode: Two repeat modes, CD repeat and song repeat, can be set for continuous club play.

Large Multi Function Display: Remaining time, elapsed time and playing status can be monitored by numeric display and graphic image thanks to the new multi-functional display.

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