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Vestax QFO extrem skivspelare/mixer

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Artikel nr : 1013
Kortnamn : Vestax QFO extrem skivspelare/mixer
Vikt : 10.00 kg
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Vestax QFO extrem skivspelare/mixer

DJ Battle (Tobbe) skriver bl.a. så här "det är hejdlöst roligt att scratcha på denna manick. Under det månader jag har haft QFO’n i min ägo så har mina scratchtimmar ökat avsevärt! Jag har t.o.m. gott så långt att jag sålt min Rane TTM56 och min TTX spelare. Numera står det endast 1 st QFO på min bänk och där kommer den att stå ett bra tag till."

OBS PRISET 7999:- avser vårt skyltex. Ny, oanvänd.

The VESTAX QFO, a new revolutionary turntable model has broken the barriers of the common DJ set-up, of mixer in the middle with turntables on each side. A new form of musical expression is captured with the turntable centered with mixer functions encompassing the unit, allowing the user to procreate sound and a new style.

It has been said, ´ONE MAN´ shall start history, and Q-BERT has been proving so. As a DJ, Q-BERT has taken the World by storm, from pioneer to innovator, using the turntable as an instrument. The time has come… Introducing and allowing people to play their music with passion and heart, to offer the user confidence and courage to play at their best, has been the pleasure for Vestax.
The time has come…

Pre-loaded with the Global Professional Standard of the VESTAX PMC-05ProIII circuitry. External inputs for each 2 channels, and ability to assign sources from the QFO itself to each channel.

Adopting a unique method, using the power balance of a spring and not using gravity, creates a load to stabilize the needle pressure. This increases the trace ability and assists the needle with anti-skip solution especially during aggressive play.

The motor, the heart of the instrument is the original high torque direct drive of high stability and reliance proven on the PDX-2000.
Included are 2 sets of START/STOP, 33/45RPM, REVERSE, QUARTZ LOCK control, symmetrically laid out  with a cross fader in between , giving the player a universal set-up.

Total pitch adjustment up to ±50%,  with a spin slide control placed around the platter. Linking hand movements and operative functions at the same time are made possible.

Included is the CF-PCV, the fader that has established the PMC-05 and other series. The fader settings have been upgraded and designed to withstand vibration during operation of the QFO.

STARTING TIME : 0.5 sec(33 1/3 rpm)70°
- Anti Skipping Tone arm System
- Dynamic Balance Method(max height adjustment 9mm)
POWER: AC 120V, 50/60 Hz

For scratch DJs and Turntablists, the QFO is the ultimate, go anywhere, try anything, all-in-one DJ tool. Not only is it a powerful turntable but it is also a full battle worthy 2-channel mixer with all the professional trimmings and features you would expect from Vestax

• Designed in collaboration with Thudrumble’s DJ Qbert and Yoga Frog

• Plug & Play portability

• Battle-ready mixer features including: cross fader curve control, CF reverse, IF curve & reverse, 2- band EQ, user-replaceable PCV performance faders

• High torque professional turntable built on the success of the PDX Series • Unique pitch control that follows the action of the platter from one side to the other giving performers 180 degrees of pitch control with 3 individual settings

• Replacement Cross fader: CF-PCV

• Replacement Input fader: IF-Q

For scratch DJ´s and turntablists, the VESTAX QFO is the ultimate go-anywhere, try anything, all in one DJ tool. Not only is it an extremely powerful turntable but it is also a full battle-worthy, 2 channel dj mixer with all of the professional features you would expect from a Vestax Mixer. The Vestax QFO is a radical new tool for performance DJ´s who are looking for a lot more creative options and who want to own the most advanced DJ workstation available in the world. With the QFO, DJ´s will be able to take what DJ Qbert has started and revolutionize the Scratch DJ and Turntablist scenes.

The QFO is a circular turntable with an integrated 2-channel mixer that was designed in collaboration with performance DJ QBert and Thudrumble´s Yoga Frog. This new turntable/mixer provides DJs with a convenient, all-in-one scratch DJ tool for performance or practice.

The QFO´s high-torque turntable offers an ASTS (Anti-Skipping Tonearm System) tone arm and pitch control with multiple variations to select from. Also included are two start and stop buttons, which allow the user to create percussive start/stop moves with either hand.

Each channel of the mixer section has a 2-band EQ, and a phono and input switch, allowing users to control the turntable on one channel and a CD player or other external source on the other. Additional mixer features include crossfader curve control, crossfader reverse, and input fader curve and reverse.

San Francisco-based turntablist legend QBert has been a proponent of DJ culture since the mid-1980s. QBert´s talents have been recognized with numerous accolades, including four consecutive Disco Mixing Club (DMC) USA and World Champion titles, which led to his selection as a judge in this esteemed competition. In 1998, DMC also awarded QBert a place in its Hall of Fame.

  • Actual Shipping Weight 35 lbs.

  • VESTAX... Japans äldsta och största tillverkare av DJ-produkter.
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