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Numark IDJ2 demo ex med 80 procent rabatt

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Fraktkostnad : 99:-


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Artikel nr : NUM-IDJ2 PRO
Kortnamn : Numark IDJ2 demo ex med 80 procent rabatt
Märke : idj2
Vikt : 3.00 kg
Volym : 0.01 m3
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Numark IDJ2 demoex

2 USB-portar och 4 RCA in för vinylspelare, CD, Mac, PC, telefon, surfplatta, mikrofonigång, iPodingång. S-videoutgång, 2 balanserade XLR-utgångar, 2 hörlursuttag, 4 RCA utgångar, även inspelning. 2 stora scratchplattor. STOR FÄRGSKÄRM! DJ-mixer med EXTRA HÖG LJUDKVALITET.

You can scratch and locate specific points within the track using iDJ2’s large wheels. Create and integrate seamless loops in seconds. iDJ2 has Fader Start, which enables iDJ2 to automatically start playback when you move the crossfader. Numark’s advanced Keylock feature enables you to shift the track’s tempo while maintaining pitch. And exclusive Beatkeeper™ technology empowers you to beat-match visually, by simply lining up the lights so you spend less time working in headphones

COMPLETE DJ MIXER WITH USB iDJ2 has a performance-ready, two-channel mixer. Each channel has three-band EQs, gain control, pitch and line faders, level metering, loop controls, a tap tempo button, and standard transport and cue controls. A rugged, smooth crossfader with adjustable slope completes iDJ2’s mixer so you can mix between sources. In addition to its iPod dock, iDJ2 has two sets of analog phono/line-switchable inputs with grounds so you can connect CD players, turntables, drum machines, and other analog music sources. It also has two USB ports for connecting digital devices and mixing them in. iDJ2 has a complete cueing section with both 1/8" and 1/4" stereo jacks, independent cue level, tone, and cue-assign controls. iDJ2 also has a full-featured output section with balanced XLR and unbalanced RCA Master outputs and RCA Record outputs for recording your performance.

Numark’s Crate system is an electronic approach to managing setlists and the music library designed around the way you work with your vinyl or CDs. You can prepare setlists ahead of time, build them as your performance unfolds, or combine the two approaches. You just select a track in your library and load it into the virtual crate for either Deck A or Deck B. Quickly text-search with iDJ2’s click knob using artist, track or album name. For even faster track access, you can plug in an optional USB keyboard. The Crate system is easy to view in any lighting conditions thanks to its color LCD screen. The screen also enables you to use Track Profile view for easy visual detection of energy changes in tracks. You’ll be able to locate cue points without headphones!

MEDIA AND DEVICE COMPATIBILITY You can perform with digital music files stored on iPods, USB hard drives and thumb drives thanks to iDJ2’s dock and two USB inputs. You can even play two tracks from the same iPod at the same time. You can work with a wide range of file types including stereo and mono MP3s, WAVs, AACs, and more. You can mix in AAC podcasts and even connect and play from discs in external USB CD and DVD drives. iDJ2 even supports music on data DVDs and multi-session CDs. You can rip audio-CD tracks to a writable wav library, edit the text tags on tracks and albums ripped from CD and copy tracks from one drive to another. The possibilities are virtually limitless!

Numark IDJ2, komplett mixer/MP3-spelare med pitch och instant start

  • Passar även för Ipod
  • Pitch: +/- 100%
  • Instant Start Gain och 3-bands EQ/kanal
  • Mikrofoningång Ingång för tangentbord
  • Stor display/Track profiler + Wav
  • Format: MP3, Ogg vorbis, FLAC Inbyggd Beatkeeper
  • Utgångskontakt/ljud: RCA och balanserade XLR
  • Numark IDJ2 är en fullfjädrad enhet för att mixa MP3-filer
  • Vikt 2kg

MP3-filer från Ipod spelas av och mixas mellan de två spelarna.

Instant start, pitch och loop-funktioner

Scratch- och sökfunktion via jog-hjulen. Förlyssningen har X-fader funktion.

Varje kanal har tydliga reglage samt gain och 3-bands EQ.

Samtidigt som Du gör en DJ-spelning, kan du spela in.

För att underlätta sökningen bland MP3-filerna kan ett vanligt tangentbord anslutas.



A stunning color screen and Numark´s exclusive crate management. Keylock insures that DJs can easily change tempo without affecting pitch.

This is an extraordinary mixing console and portable DJ system with professional DJ features like balanced outputs, pitch control, key lock, seamless looping, and full cueing. DJs can easily manage their music library using the iDJ2´s highly intuitive graphic interface and the full-color LCD screen offers crystal-clear visual track–profiling.

iPod Direct Mode turns iDJ2 into the ultimate iPod player, allowing you play any music from your iPod, including songs purchased from the iTunes music store.

iDJ2´s unique Crate feature allows easy organization of songs to be played and supports multiple file formats including MP3, WAV and AAC (unprotected).

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Allt inom ljud & ljus & DJ – Hyr eller köp ljud eller DJ-utrustning. Bygg upp en speciell atmosfär till eventet, festen eller ditt framträdande. Välj ljud- och ljussystem med omsorg! Hos Billebro hittar du allt som behövs inom ljud och ljus. Hyr eller köp din PA eller DJ-utrustning, komplettera eventet med nya PA-högtalare till förmånliga priser. Vi som arbetar här är själva DJ:s, musiker, ljudtekniker och studiotekniker, vi vet vad vi snackar om och vi kan ge dig goda råd och bra support. Vårt breda sortiment samt vår kunskap inom ljud och ljus hjälper dig att bygga upp den perfekta lösningen! Och du, vi hjälper även till med installationen! Upp till 2 års delbetalning för max 50 000 kr via Klarna, ett år räntefritt!