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Ultrasone HFI-700

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Artikel nr : ULThfi700
Kortnamn : Ultrasone HFI-700
Vikt : 0.30 kg
Volym : 0.01 m3
 Läs mer på tillverkarens hemsida
Fabrikat :  Specifikationer
Prod review Prod review Prod review Prod review Prod review
Ultrasone - Världens Bästa hörlurar. Sveriges Radio bytte ut alla Sony mot Ultrasone. HFI-700 är en extremt högupplöst och detaljerad hörlur 10-25000Hz med guld-drivers för krävande studioproducering eller Hifi. S-Logic Plus-teknik är standard, Hörluren är även utrustad med Ultra Low Emission (ULE-teknik) för att inte skada hörseln. Transportväska och flera tillbehör ingår.
S-Logic ™ Natural Surround Sound
Genom S-Logic ™ Natural Surround Sound till skillnad mot vanliga hörlurar kommer ljudet kommer att flyttas ut ur huvudet i rummet omkring dig. Ljudet är inte längre låst in, men verkar bred och fristående. Vägbeskrivning och avstånd kan höras och uppfattas - det är precis som att vara i en live konsert.

För denna nya teknik krävs inte någon ytterligare utrustning. Anslut bara dina Ultrasone hörlurar till din ljudenhet och du kommer att vara redo för den nya världen av det 3-dimensionella ljudet!

Säkrare hörsel
S-Logic ™ Natural Surround Sound System tillåter en upp till 40% lägre dB utgång (3-4 dB) för samma loudness känsla och därmed risken för att för hörselskador kan reduceras enormt.

Minskade utsläpp av magnetiskt fält
Liksom alla Ultrasone hörlurarna har HFI-650 en starkt reducerad strålning. Standardversionen LE (= Low Emission) erbjuder en minskning på upp till 60% i jämförelse med vanliga hörlurar. Certifierad. 

HFI-700 är ett par slutna hörlurar och läcker nästan inte någonting. Men trots det slutna systemet kan den ändå prestera det ärliga ljudet av en öppen hörlur. De skapar en extraordinär balanserad, naturlig och exakt ljudbild. 

HFI-700 är perfekt för musikproduktion, inspelning, TV och sändningar i studios. 
Utrustad med  högklassiga guldpläterade drivers som är mycket känsliga och ger en maximal öppenhet. Dessa är överlägsna egenskaper varje konsument önskar hitta i ett par hörlurar.

En ytterligare funktion som gör att du kan vika upp en av kåporna utan att ta bort hörlurarna från huvudet. De kan även lätt vikas ihop för enkel transporteras i den medföljande skyddspåsen.

  • S-Logic Natural Surround Sound Plus 
  • Dynamisk konstruktion 
  • Frekvensomfång 10-25,000 Hz 
  • Impedans 75 ohm 
  • Ljudtrycksnivå 96 dB 
  • MU Metal bufferboard, reducerade fältet utsläpp 
  • ULE (= Ultra Low Emission) teknik 
  • Guld-drivers
  • Vikt 265 g (utan sladd) 
  • 3 m kabel
  • 3,5 / 6,3 mm skruvbar guldpläterad kontakt 
  • Transport påse 
  • Demo-CD och Instruktionsmanual
läs mer på: www.ultrasone.com

Geek.com Pick

At A Glance
Description   Foldable, closed-back headphones with S-Logic Natural Surround Sound.
Highlights   Incredible clarity; foldable design; comfortable; S-Logic surround sound is great
Lowlights   Expensive; too much plastic in the design


Price   Retail price is US$249

When the average Joe thinks "headphones," he thinks of an accessory ranging from US$20 to $60 that puts music in your ears via a headband and a circle-shaped speaker on each side. When your average Geek thinks "headphones," s/he thinks an advanced harmonic dual-driver accessory, ranging anywhere from $250 to $3,000 that embeds sweet, clear-sounding music in your ears. These obviously are two very different ways of thinking; both are correct, but the Geek´s version sounds better. Let´s get this out of the way right up front: the Ultrasone HFI-700 headphones are, without question, the most meritable and best sounding sealed headphones I´ve ever used.

the box
Headphones in the box

If you don´t know, a closed headphone is a headphone from which very minimal sound escapes to the outside, whereas an open headphone is a headphone from which most or all of the sound escapes to the outside. Why would anyone want an open headphone? Because a closed headphone can sometimes modify or slightly distort the sound because the speaker is "closed," resulting in somewhat of an echo effect. The opposite is true with an open headphone--there is none of that echo because the sound extends through to the outside. More often than not, better sound is achieved with an open headphone.

Sound Quality
What is sound? Per definition, it is "Vibrations transmitted through an elastic solid or a liquid or gas, with frequencies in the approximate range of 20 to 20,000 hertz, capable of being detected by human organs of hearing." Cool, huh? Now, the HFI-700s´ frequency range is 10-25,000 hertz. Okay, but what does that mean? Well, I could go on about "speaker frequency response" for a few hours, but let´s make it short, simple and sweet: basically, it means that a speaker (audio driver) that could reproduce that range would sound lifelike. Despite the fact that there is no guarantee that every headphone or speaker with a frequency range of 20 through 20,000 hertz will sound lifelike, the HFI-700 does.

The HFI-700 is both warm- and bright-sounding. It actually has a combination of the two qualities, which most people prefer. Okay, you say you don´t know what a warm or bright headphone is? Well, when someone refers to a piece of audio equipment as sounding warm, that infers that it has a sound signature that is more laid back, such as at a concert where you sit near the back of the building. Bright is just the opposite, meaning an up-front sound, as if you were in the front row of a concert. Some prefer a bright sound, some warm, and some both. I favor a bright sound, which my Sennheiser HD595s give me plenty of, although the HD595 is an open headphone. If a bright sound is what you´re after, you might want to take a look at some open headphones, since I don´t know of any closed headphone that will give you a full-blown, bright sound.

Next, let´s talk about the impedance. The HFI-700s have an impedance level of 75 ohms. This is a favorable level for those wanting to use the HFI-700s without an amplifier. Because of the 75-ohm impedance you are able to use the headphones on a device like a portable MP3 player while still being able to attain great sound. (Some of my testing with the HFI-700 was done with my 4G iPod, with which the HFI-700s performed very well.) If you are looking to use a headphone with a portable source such as an MP3 player, the lower the ohms level the better.

If you´ve got a several thousand dollar audio system, you would be much better off buying a headphone with an impedance of around 300 ohms or even greater (such as the Beyerdynamic DT-880 headphone, which can be purchased for $259 on a good day at HeadRoom). The higher impedance rating (with the right equipment), the better sound quality you will get.

Finally, onto Ultrasone´s signature feature. One of the things that set Ultrasone headphones apart from all others is the S-Logic Natural Surround Sound. Every pair of Ultrasone headphones is equipped with S-Logic. S-Logic is not Ultrasone´s only signature-feature, either. The S-Logic Natural Surround Sound is just that: a natural surround sound in the headphones. S-Logic deludes your ears into believing you are standing in a room with speakers all around you. I had my doubts about the S-Logic at first, but the reality speaks for itself. S-Logic is without question a great, innovative feature that really adds an advantage to the overall Ultrasone experience.

S-Logic logo on the headphones
S-Logic logo

If I were to sum up how I feel about the HFI-700s in one sentence it would be: 
The HFI-700s are crystal-clear sounding, comfortable, portable, sealed headphones with good, not overemphasized bass.

One of the most impressive features of the HFI-700s is the "reduced magnetic field emissions," which significantly reduces the radiation level that would otherwise be bathing your head. I´m no radiologist, and I´m just going by what Ultrasone says on this one because I don´t exactly have a lab where I could run radiation tests. Another thing I appreciate with these headphones is their portability. The earpieces can either swivel flat for storage in a narrow space (such as in your brief case or backpack) or fold up into the space inside the headband.

laid flat
Headphones laid flat

The HFI-700s are also rather comfortable, which allows for extended listening periods. Foam pads, covered with a nice, soft leather, cushion the headband and earpieces.

The HFI-700s are an all-plastic design that, over time, will almost inevitably bring cracks to the headband. Even with the proper care this is almost unavoidable with an all-plastic, constructed headband.

I appreciate the one-cord exit, which means that the wire that connects both audio drivers on the headphones was run through the headband, creating a cleaner look with only one exiting cord (versus one on either side). The cord runs 10 feet long, although it´s spiraled to give you only the extension length you need, which keeps everything clean and uncluttered. At the end of the cord there is a stereo mini-plug; also included is a screw-on 1/8 to 1/4 inch adapter.

profile of headphoens and cord
Profile of the headphones and cord

plug adapter
The plug and adapter

I´ve used a lot of headphones over the years, and while I´ve heard much better on open headphones, I´ve yet to hear a sealed headphone that compares to the crystal-clear sound quality of that in the HFI-700s. The bottom line is, if you travel a lot and want the best possible sound without others being able to hear your tunes, the HFI-700s are undeniably the headphones that you ought to put on your must-have gadgets of the year list. (You do have a must-have gadgets list, don´t you?)

top of the headphones
Top of the headphones

Ratings Defense

I give the Ultrasone HFI-700 Headphones 4.5 Geekheads for Quality since the headphones are very well constructed, include a good length of cord, and sound great.

For Geekness I also award the Ultrasone HFI-700 Headphones 4.5 Geekheads due to the use of technology to protect me from radiation and portability.

As I said above, these are some of the best sealed headphones I have ever evaluated, and I am awarding them a Geek.com Pick!

Prenumerera på vårt nyhetsmejl, se längre ned till vänster på denna sida.

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