Utvecklar och designar framtidens dansgolv och DJ-miljöer som koinsult. Miljöer och teknik ingen har någonsin sett, hört eller upplevt tidigare.

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Detta kan leda till samarbete med SKOGSREJV som dotter Yrla Miranda driver samt många andra samarbeten. Jag äger och förvaltar även FOLKETS HUS RAMSJÖ med scen och 450 publikplatser samt HEDSJÖ CAMPING med 350m sandstrand och 10.000kvm öppen yta i ett fd sand och grustag intill HEDSJÖ SKOLA. Möjligheterna är unlimited. Hur blir det ännu bättre och vad mer är möjligt?

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Postorder eller hämta. Boka besök på info@billebro.se. Swish 1231272434

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Artikel nr : PACK7680
Kortnamn : REL225244+PIOhjd1500sv
Vikt : 3.65 kg
Volym : 0.01 m3
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Prod review Prod review Prod review Prod review Prod review
Reloop Terminal Mix 2 - Specialdesignad DJ-controller för Serato. 15,5cm stora joghjul med vinyl-grepp. Inbyggt ljudkort med överlägsen ljudkvalitet.  + Pioneer HDJ-1500 som är det senaste tillskottet till Pioneers professionella hörlurs sortiment. HDJ1500 har hög ljudkvalitet, en låg impedans och en av Pioneer specialutvecklad ljuddämpande kåpa. Ljudisoleringen omkring låga och medelhöga frekvenser (300 Hz till 1300 Hz) har förbättrats med imponerande 4 dB jämfört med HDJ-1000.


Terminal Mix 4

The 2-Deck DJ Controller designed for Serato

With the Terminal Mix 2 Reloop complements its Serato controller series with a dedicated 2-deck variant.

Terminal Mix 4

Hardware access to all important functions

Terminal Mix 2 disposes of an integrated 2-channel mixer that besides 3-fold EQ with intelligent kill technique* also offers gain and filter modulation per channel. The crossfader curve can be adjusted comfortably on the device´s front side.

In addition to the popular Trax Encoder, the master section is now equipped with four convenient management buttons which allow direct access to playlists, crates or further layout views without the need to touch your laptop. This means a desired track can be located and loaded instantly into any deck via the designated load buttons - a fader start* function can also be activated if desired.

Terminal Mix 4

15,5 cm large jog wheels with vinyl grip

As a further highlight, Reloop has developed brand new ultra-flat aluminium jog platters which with an impressive XXL diameter of 15.5 cm have also been enhanced with a non-slip vinyl-grip coating for even more control over your tracks. With a total of 3 modes (Pitch Bend/Vinyl/Quick Search) it´s possible to easily switch between pitch correcting, scratching, or browsing through tracks on the fly.

Terminal Mix 4

Trigger Action Deluxe

The entire transport section is fully equipped with rubberised buttons which offer a comfortable pressure point whilst also being extremely durable.

The performance section* features an extensive 8-button layout which can be utilised over 2 separate layers for true versatility. On the first layer 4 hot cues can be fired off and 4 sample decks can be triggered simultaneously. Depending on the software used, other creative possibilities are available, for example the option of accessing hot cues/samples 5-8 on the second layer - or with future software updates this section can be enhanced even further with brand new performance modes (Cut´n´Slice) for live remixing.

The extensive FX section is equipped with 4 buttons, 3 rotary knobs, and 1 endless encoder to provide even more creative possibilities in the mix. The smart loop section also features 4 independent controls allowing users to quickly set beat-precise loops, adjust the size of the loops and even move the loops whilst in a live situation.

Reloop also listened to the requests by many DJs and for the first time has integrated a 14 bit pitch fader with 100mm increments, allowing ultra-precise mixing and blending.

Terminal Mix 4

Power House Interface

The audio section offers a vast array of connecting possibilities for your master PA (including balanced output jacks), a zone function and a DJ booth system. Also very practical are the 2 headphones connections (6.3 mm & 3.5 mm) which can be adjusted with a 1-band equalizer. A microphone connection with a 1-fold EQ for MCs, hosts or singers has also been integrated and can be adjusted via a flexible routing switching system. Furthermore, it´s possible to connect a turntable, CD/MP3 player, or iPhone/iPod to the Aux input which can be routed to the master or even software!

Terminal Mix 4

Serato DJ Intro Software included

Terminal Mix comes Plug´n´Play ready with Serato DJ Intro. Traktor Pro 2 mappings are also available.

Check in at Terminal Mix 2.

*Some features are only available with a software Pro version.


Technical Data

Mixer section:
  • Classic 2-channel design
  • 1x Pro Longlife crossfader with adjustable crossfader curve
  • 2x volume controllers with Pro Longlife linefaders
  • 2x 3-band equalizer knobs
  • 2x gain turning knobs
  • 2x filter knobs

Player section:
  • 2x 15.5cm touch-sensitive, two-part jog wheels for scratching, cueing, etc.
  • Different jog modes (Scratch & Pitch Bend, Quick Search)
  • Deck switch buttons for 4-deck control
  • 2x high resolution 100mm 14-bit pitch faders without locking position
  • 1x assignable turn & push encoder, 3x assignable knobs, 4x buttons for effect control
  • Unicoloured, glistening red illumination

Master section:
  • Cue mix, headphones volume, sampler volume and master control
  • Extra large Trax encoder for quick and easy music library browsing (with 2 load buttons)
  • 2x 8-bar LED chain (master L+R)
  • Dimensions: 440 x 44 x 320 mm
  • Weight: 3.65 kg (net)
  • Incl. Serato DJ Intro and USB cord


  • 2-deck SERATO DJ performance controller
  • Integrated 4-channel USB audio club interface
  • Plug´n´Play: Connect your computer and mix your MP3s
  • Designed for the world´s leading mixing software developer SERATO
  • Large transport section with all-new smooth-touch rubber buttons
  • Newly developed ultra-flat XXL jog wheels with vinyl-grip surface
  • Ergonomically arranged mixer/CD player design for quick and easy access
  • 2-channel club mixer design with designated filter knobs and fader start
  • Deck switch buttons for controlling of up to 4 decks
  • Crossfader curve & assign switches on the front
  • Large 14 bit 100mm pitch fader with range and keylock functions
  • Mouse-less playlist management control
  • Versatile controls for effects, smart looping, hot cues and sampler
  • Performance section prepared for individual live remixing updates (Cut´n´Slice)
  • Stereo RCA input (with phono pre-amp) for hooking up a CD player or turntable with flexible routing control (into the software or to master)
  • 6.3 mm microphone input jack with volume and equalizer control
  • Power House Interface: Boost your PA with balanced 6,3mm jack outputs or unbalanced stereo RCA outputs
  • Stereo RCA booth outputs for extra DJ monitors
  • 2 headphones connections: 3.5 mm & 6.3 mm stereo for whatever plug is convenient including equalizer control
  • Shift buttons for second layer controls including shift lock feature
  • All controls in club size and quality
  • Altogether 90 MIDI controllers (56 buttons, 5 faders, 6 turn & push encoders, 21 turning knobs, 2 touch-sensitive jog wheels)
  • Controller is compatible with every MIDI-learning software
  • USB bus powered: Terminal Mix 2 can be powered via USB only (power supply optional)
  • Anti-theft device: Kensington safety slot
  • CORE/ASIO drivers with minimum latency and high-quality audio characteristics (Mac/PC)
  • Mac OSX and Windows XP/Vista/7 compatible
  • 4-deck mapping available for Traktor PRO 2 (incl. sample deck control)
  • Comes Plug´n´Play ready with Serato DJ Intro


Pioneer HDJ-1500-K Black Chrome Hörluren är robust byggd, med lätta men slitstarka delar i bland annat Magnesiumlegering. 
Dessutom kan den enkelsidiga kabeln lätt bytas ut om den blir skadad, 
vilket förlänger livslängden på hörlurarna ytterligare. 
Den kommer i två färger - elegant krom svart och elegant Deep Silver Svarta HDJ-1500-K och silver HDJ-1500-S 
kommer att finnas tillgängliga i slutet av maj 2012.

Reloop världens andra största DJ-märke. Finns i 88 länder. Vunnit många utmärkelser. Tysk superkvalitet. Generalagenten har även Tannoy, Dynacord, ElectroVoice.

Prenumerera på vårt nyhetsmejl, se längre ned till vänster på denna sida.



Allt inom ljud & ljus & DJ – Hyr eller köp ljud eller DJ-utrustning. Bygg upp en speciell atmosfär till eventet, festen eller ditt framträdande. Välj ljud- och ljussystem med omsorg! Hos Billebro hittar du allt som behövs inom ljud och ljus. Hyr eller köp din PA eller DJ-utrustning, komplettera eventet med nya PA-högtalare till förmånliga priser. Vi som arbetar här är själva DJ:s, musiker, ljudtekniker och studiotekniker, vi vet vad vi snackar om och vi kan ge dig goda råd och bra support. Vårt breda sortiment samt vår kunskap inom ljud och ljus hjälper dig att bygga upp den perfekta lösningen! Och du, vi hjälper även till med installationen! Upp till 2 års delbetalning för max 50 000 kr via Klarna, ett år räntefritt!