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RANE MP4 med Serato scratch live på köpet

8 995:-
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Artikel nr : RANmp4
Kortnamn : RANE MP4 med Serato scratch live på köpet
Märke : RAN mp4 med serato scratch live på köpet
Vikt : 3.00 kg
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Fabrikat : Rane (
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RANE MP4 mixer med Serato Scratch Live på köpet värde 7.000:-



Rane MP4 är en rackmonterbar DJ-mixer som gör det möjligt att mixa analoga ingångar med digitala filer via USB. • Spelar upp en eller två stereo 24-bit 48 kHz USB audiokanaler• Spelar in en stereo 24-bit 48 kHz audio kanal• Valbar inspelning från A-bus, B-bus, Master Mix, Mic eller USB • Aktiv VCA Crossfader• Rackmonterbar 19", 1HE• Cue-lyssning på USB eller analog ingång med inbyggd hörlursförstärkare• Separat EQ och LED-mätare på A-bus och B-bus • Två valbara phono/line analoga stereoingångar• Aux-utgång med ställbar nivå• XLR- och 1/4" TRS-utgångar• Inbyggd USB-jord• Medföljande programvara: Serato Scratch LIVE• ASIO och CoreAudio drivrutiner

MP4 8.995:-  NU 8.995:-

MP 4 Mixer

Scratch LIVE ForumLiteratureLiteratureWhere to Buy It

General Description

There is a major evolution going on in the DJ world. More and more DJs are incorporating digital music files into their traditional turntable and CD player set ups. The Serato / Rane partnership combines world class DJ software with sound card and mixer technology, providing a complete DJ system. Digital files virtually eliminate the need to carry vinyl or CDs to the gig. Heavy, invaluable music stays safe and sound(less) at home. The DJ is able to record special events and performances as well as convert vinyl into digital files.

The MP4 provides the convenience of playing digital music directly from your computer while still supporting traditional analog inputs for total flexibility. The MP 4 is the perfect mobile DJ product, providing superior software and a one-box hardware solution using a single USB cable connected to a PC.

The MP 4 allows the user to simultaneously:

  • Play analog sources
  • Play digital files
  • Record a stereo source and cue another source (digital or analog) using the built-in headphone cueing system.

The MP 4 is a two-bus mixer with two stereo Line/Phono inputs, two stereo USB digital audio inputs and one stereo digital audio output to USB. A-bus, B-bus, Master Mix or Microphone may be assigned to the USB record channel. The MP 4 allows easy digital recording of analog inputs not available on software-only solutions.

Ground isolation is provided between the mixer and the PC, removing a major obstacle to good quality PC sound. The MP 4 is always self-powered from the internal universal switching power supply using IEC 320-C6 inlet and cord.

The MP 4 supports bit depths up to 24-bit and sample rates up to 48 kHz. The MP 4 ships with a CoreAudio driver for Mac and an ASIO driver for Windows, allowing it to act as a high quality sound card compatible with many audio applications, including Scratch LIVE.

The MP 4 is ideal for DJ´s who want to mix and beat-match digital files along with analog sources, but don´t require the ability to "scratch." Serato Scratch LIVE software is included, and features a new control screen for the MP 4. The Scratch LIVE MP 4 control screen has the same great library management and file handling features, without direct vinyl and CD manipulation. This means that there is no control vinyl or CD with the MP 4, and all control is via the new on-screen features such as pitch-bending and nudging.

The minimum operating system requirements are either a 800 MHz Mac G4 with OSX 10.3, or a 1 GHz PC running Windows XP with Service Pack 2, either with 512M of ram or more. Intel Macs must use Scratch LIVE version 1.5 or higher, downloadable from the forum.

Further information about the software is available at the Serato website.

Rear Panel

Click on the panels for a close-up. Right-click to zoom and pan.

*Active Crossfader is a trademark of Rane Corporation

MP 4 Example System with just a laptop, headphones and amplifier (mic optional)

This MP 4 Example adds a laptop to an existing club system, with additional turntables (or CD players)

Product Literature


Further Information

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