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RANE MP2016A slutsåld

11 700:-
9 360:- exkl. moms
Delbetala från 416:-/månad eller ett år räntefritt
Fraktkostnad : 99:-
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Artikel nr : 1363
Kortnamn : RANE MP2016A slutsåld
Märke : MP2016a
Vikt : 5.00 kg
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Fabrikat : Rane (
Prod review Prod review Prod review Prod review Prod review



6-kanals Rotary Mixer. Expanderbar med XP2016A.• 6 stereoingångar. 4 Stereo phono/line-förförstärkare• 2 mic/line-förförstärkare med Gain Trim och eq• 3-bands eq. 5 stereo AUX-ingångar• Effektloop. Booth- och hörlursutgångar med master/cue-utgång• Tape-utgång pre/post-effekt• RCA-ingångar. XLR mik/line-ingångar. 1/4" tele effektloop, XLR- och RCA-utgångar.

MP2016a  19.500:-   REA 15.500:- !!!


MP 2016a Rotary Mixer

XP 2016a Expander


MP 2016a Front Panel

Optional XP 2016a Front Panel

Click on the images for a close-up. Right-click to zoom and pan.

All previous versions are compatible with the new ´a´ versions.

An XP 2016a works with an MP 2016, and an MP 2016a works with an XP 2016.

It is not possible to change parts to make an older unit to a new ´a´ version.

These new mixers use the highest quality Alps potentiometers.

MP 2016a Features

  • NEW! Split Cueing
  • Six stereo Input channels
  • Four dedicated stereo Phono / Line preamps
  • Two dedicated Mic / Line preamps with:
    • Gain trims
    • 2-band Tone controls
    • Engage switches
    • Booth ducking
  • Five stereo Auxiliary Inputs
  • Input Gain controls for level matching
  • Switchable Effects Loop
  • Booth Output with Master / Cue source switch
  • Separate Pre- and Post-effects Tape Outputs
  • Master Accelerated-Slope, full-cut, 3-band Tone controls
  • Audiophile / Studio sound quality
  • Highest quality Alps potentiometers
  • High power headphone amplifier

XP 2016a Features

  • Active-Crossfader with full-range Contour control
  • A-POST-B Crossfader assign switches
  • Stereo Master / Cue Meter with peak hold
  • Six channels of stereo, Accelerated-Slope, full-cut, 3-band Tone controls.

General Description

The MP 2016a is a rotary-controlled mixer featuring six Input Channels, Booth and House Outputs, Pre-Effects Tape Outputs, Post-Effects Tape Outputs with Level control, switchable Effects Loop, and Headphone Cueing. Input Channels 1 through 4 feature high quality RIAA phono preamplifiers which may be switched to line input via rear panel switches. Input Channels 5 and 6 each provide a balanced mic preamp with Input Gain trim, Mic/Line switch, two-band EQ, Mic Engage switch and an internal Booth Ducking enable jumper. In addition to the six dedicated preamplifiers, all six Input channels may select any of the five stereo Auxiliary Inputs.

Each Input Channel provides a 6-position source selector, Input Gain control for matching levels, Signal/Overload indicators and a studio-grade Master Mix control.

The Booth Output may select Master or Cue as its source. An ultra-low noise, high power headphone amplifier also allows monitoring the Master Mix or Cue Mix.

The MP 2016a improves on the original MP 2016 by adding Split Cue. Individual Cue switches on each channel drive a panning Master / Cue control for the Headphone output.

The Master Mix circuit provides Signal/Overload indicators, Mono switch and high-pass/rumble filters. In addition, the Master Output features patent-pending high performance 3-band, full-cut, Accelerated-Slope tone controls.

The MP 2016a provides exceptional ergonomics, good feel and a clean, intuitive layout packaged in a compact 19 inch, 3U rack mount chassis, a scant five inches deep.

So you say,"Great, but to accommodate the diverse needs of all DJ mixing styles, I need dedicated high performance three-band, full-cut, Accelerated-Slope tone controls for each of the six Input Channels, high-performance Active-Crossfader with full range contour control, A-Post-B crossfader assign switches and a stereo, 10-segment, peak dBu Master/Cue meter with peak hold; all without effecting the ergonomics of my classic rotary mixer."

We´ve got you covered! With the flip of a switch on the MP 2016a front panel, you can engage the optional XP 2016a External Processor and acquire all of these features.

The XP 2016a is an optional external processor designed specifically for use with the MP 2016a. The XP 2016a is intended to mount above or below the MP 2016a. It connects with a single 10-inch ribbon cable and is engaged with the flip of a switch on the MP 2016a front panel. If an XP 2016a is not connected, the XP 2016a engage switch on the MP 2016a has no effect.

The XP 2016a provides dedicated Accelerated-Slope, 3-band, full-cut tone controls for each of the six stereo Input channels, A-Post-B Crossfader Assign switches for all six Input channels, a high-performance Active Crossfader with full range Contour control, and a stereo 10-segment peak dBu Master/Cue Meter with peak hold.

The six stereo, post Mix Level signals in the MP 2016a are fed to the XP 2016a. When the XP 2016a is not engaged, the post Mix Level signals go directly to the Master Mix in the MP 2016a. When the XP 2016a is engaged, the stereo Master Mix comes from the XP 2016a.

If all Input channels on the XP 2016a are assigned Post-Crossfader, the Mix will be identical to the MP 2016a (with the addition of tone controls for each Input channel). For Crossfader control, simply assign a channel to the A or B side of the Crossfader. The Active Crossfader features a full-range Contour control for smooth blending or ultra fast cuts.

The Master/Cue Meter follows the source selection of the headphone monitor on the MP 2016a. If Master is selected, the

XP 2016a Meter monitors the pre-house-level Master signal. If Cue is selected, the XP 2016a meter monitors the Cue Source.

The XP 2016a matches the MP 2016a ergonomics, packaged in a compact 19 inch, 3U rack mount chassis, 5 inches deep.

MP 2016a Rear Panel

Optional XP 2016a Rear Panel

Click on the image for a close-up. Right-click to zoom and pan.

*Active Crossfader is a trademark of Rane Corporation

Product Literature

User Comments

  • Love the mixer! - Basement Boys Productions, MD
  • This is by far the best and cleanest sounding professional DJ mixer made today. I would never use anything else again. - Kevin, CA
  • Excellent products, I own the MP and XP and have to say your product is superior! - Rick, GA
  • Every professional DJ should use Rane as their mixer!! - Jamal, NY
  • Best mixer I have ever played on. - Justin, CA

Further Information


Rane är ett av världens finaste DJ-märken helt och hållet tillverkat i England. Se Sjukt bra kvalitet. Även urgamla Rane-produkter är sjukt bra. Helgjutna prylar!

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Allt inom ljud & ljus & DJ – Hyr eller köp ljud eller DJ-utrustning. Bygg upp en speciell atmosfär till eventet, festen eller ditt framträdande. Välj ljud- och ljussystem med omsorg! Hos Billebro hittar du allt som behövs inom ljud och ljus. Hyr eller köp din PA eller DJ-utrustning, komplettera eventet med nya PA-högtalare till förmånliga priser. Vi som arbetar här är själva DJ:s, musiker, ljudtekniker och studiotekniker, vi vet vad vi snackar om och vi kan ge dig goda råd och bra support. Vårt breda sortiment samt vår kunskap inom ljud och ljus hjälper dig att bygga upp den perfekta lösningen! Och du, vi hjälper även till med installationen! Upp till 2 års delbetalning för max 50 000 kr via Klarna, ett år räntefritt!