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Fabrikat : Rane (www.rane.com)
Prod review Prod review Prod review Prod review Prod review

Empath Rotary

LÄS: http://www.rane.com/empath.html

RANE är det bästa, och mest prisvärda, enligt mig, Kent Billebro.

Ranes förträffliga 3-kanals DJ-mixer, här i "N.Y-House version" för den som hellre rattar än drar i reglar. Crossfade-regeln från Penny & Giles™ vill ju trots allt ingen missa, så den har Rane låtit vara kvar.• Automatisk nivåkontroll, AGC• 3-bands "full-cut" EQ på alla kanaler.• Flash-Cue™• 2 anpassningsbara CD-triggers• 2-bands EQ för hörlurarna• Tele- och minitelekontakter för hörlurar• Cue- och Mastermätning• XLR-, tele- och RCA-utgångar

EMPATH ROTARY 14.500:-   REA NU 11.995:-



New! Rotary Empath
Grandmaster Flash Gold Signature Edition, includes road case
Black on Black
Original Blue
Click on the images for a close-up. Right-click to zoom and pan.

General Description

"" The Empath mixer combines the vision of Grandmaster Flash and Rane technology. Compact size, exceptional performance and advanced features set the Empath mixer apart. The Empath is the most able 3-channel, 10" format mixer available. The name implies: understanding, awareness and sensitivity to the needs of DJs.

The top plate is durable Lexan, available in 4 versions:  

  • Original Electric Blue
  • Dark Grey on Black (like the TTM 56)
  • Grandmaster Flash Gold Signature Edition
  • New Rotary Empath

All four versions have the same operating features. The Signature Edition comes with a rugged road case, including room underneath the mixer for cables and headphones. The case is also available separately from your dealer or the Rane Store. The Empath mixer meets the requirements of all DJ genres: trance · downtempo · techno · breakbeat · hip-hop · scratch · house · drum & bass · live music · freestyle · reggae · hardcore · chill... and more

Features Important to DJs

  • Universal internal power supply. When traveling, finding power supply adapters is difficult. The Empath accepts 100 to 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz power, for use anywhere in the world without adapters.
  • Auto-Gain prevents performance-wrecking swings in program level when changing sources. The music is never too soft or clipped.
  • FlexFX is a post-fader external stereo effects loop with individual Dry/Wet pan controls for Mic and Input Channels 1, 2 and 3.
  • Penny & Giles faders are simply the best money can buy. Smooth, accurate and reliable mixing is made possible by employing the most respected name in audio faders.
  • Two kinds of fader caps are provided for different mixing preferences: soft rubber caps for smooth mixing, and hard plastic caps for fast mixing.
  • Flash-Cue allows the DJ to rapidly select Crossfader A-Cue-sum or Crossfader B-Cue-sum with the flick of a switch, normally slow or complicated on other mixers.
  • Multiple Outputs. Nothing is more frustrating than arriving at a club and finding their jacks don´t match. Systems may have XLR, TRS or RCA connectors. The Empath provides all three.
  • Low and High headphone tone controls allow the DJ to match their mixer to their headphones.
  • Both 1/8" and 1/4" headphone jacks are simultaneously usable. More headphones are compatible with the Empath.
  • Two assignable CD triggers work with any CD player with fader start ability.
  • Accelerated-Slope, full-cut, 3-band tone controls are the most flexible and highest quality available.
  • Crossfader assign switches allow any Input Channel to be mixed on the A-side, B-side or Post Crossfader.
  • Level meters view Stereo Cue, Stereo Master Mix, Split Cue or Main Output signals.

All of these features are wrapped in the smallest, most portable chassis of any three-channel mixer. Excellent control ergonomics allow this small package to feel as open and comfortable as much larger units.

Empath Accelerated-SlopeTM Tone Control Response


Empath Auto-Gain Response


The Auto-Gain circuit is a built-in 3:1 ratio compressor, keeping your levels consistent. The diagonal black line shows input and output levels equal when the Auto-Gain is disengaged. The red line shows the response of the Auto-Gain circuit, where gain is increased when it´s below 0 dB, and decreased when it goes above 0 dB. Once Auto-Gain is activated and the signal reaches -16 dB, gain is increased and held as shown by the blue line (green area).

Front Panel

Rear Panel

Click on the images for a close-up. Right-click to zoom and pan.

Unit Size: 14"H x 10"W x 4"D (35.6 cm x 25.4 cm x 10.2 cm)

.....Weight: 9 lb (4.1 kg)

Shipping: Size: 7.75"H x 12.75"W x 19.25"D (19.7 cm x 32.5 cm x 49 cm)

.....Weight: 12 lb (5.5 kg)

*Active Crossfader is a trademark of Rane Corporation

*Accelerated Slope is a trademark of Rane Corporation

*FlexFX is a trademark of Rane Corporation


Grandmaster Flash premiers the Empath at the PLASA show in London, August 2002. Photo (c): Louise Stickland

Mixer Road Case

This rugged case fits any of the Empath models, the TTM 54i or the TTM 56. It has a compartment underneath the mixer for extra items such as headphones, cables, etc. It also works as a nice big insulated lunchbox!

The case measures 9.25" x 12" x 16" (23.5 x 30.5 x 40.5 cm). Shipping weight is 13 pounds (6 kg).

Order from your dealer, or direct from the Rane Accessory Store.


Product LiteraturePDF


User Comments

  • Rane makes unmatched quality products. This is my 6th piece of Rane equipment, it´s excellent. - John, MD
  • Best fader on the market! - Robert, NY
  • Love the company and the products. Will only use Rane mixers. - Mark, MD
  • I´ve waited a long time for a Rane quality mixer, now that I have it, the possibilities seem endless. - Gabe, WA
  • Best fader on the market! - Robert, NY
  • Very rugged, great sound quality, and excellent EQs and sliders. - Late Night Production, CA
  • Awesome mixer - nothing else like it on the market. - Steven, MA
  • Very good sounding. Clean and sharp. - Justin, CA
  • This truly is a great mixer. I´ve had a few before this and played with a couple more, and none of the others even comes close. - Justin, TX
  • Flawless!! - Edwin, OR
  • You guys make great gear and I stand by your products. Keep up the quality and I will be happy! - Gregory, CA
  • The adjustable crossfaders are especially crisp. the best I´ve come across. - Johnathan, TN

Further Information



Rane är ett av världens finaste DJ-märken helt och hållet tillverkat i England. Se www.rane.com Sjukt bra kvalitet. Även urgamla Rane-produkter är sjukt bra. Helgjutna prylar!

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Allt inom ljud & ljus & DJ – Hyr eller köp ljud eller DJ-utrustning. Bygg upp en speciell atmosfär till eventet, festen eller ditt framträdande. Välj ljud- och ljussystem med omsorg! Hos Billebro hittar du allt som behövs inom ljud och ljus. Hyr eller köp din PA eller DJ-utrustning, komplettera eventet med nya PA-högtalare till förmånliga priser. Vi som arbetar här är själva DJ:s, musiker, ljudtekniker och studiotekniker, vi vet vad vi snackar om och vi kan ge dig goda råd och bra support. Vårt breda sortiment samt vår kunskap inom ljud och ljus hjälper dig att bygga upp den perfekta lösningen! Och du, vi hjälper även till med installationen! Upp till 2 års delbetalning för max 50 000 kr via Klarna, ett år räntefritt!