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Reloop Jockey 3 Remix skylt-ex

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Artikel nr : REL225124
Kortnamn : Reloop Jockey 3 Remix skylt-ex
Märke : SLUTSÅLD Reloop Jockey 3 Remix
Vikt : 6.00 kg
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Prod review Prod review Prod review Prod review Prod review
Reloop Jockey 3 vann priset som Bästa Controller på NAMM i USA. Nu är Jockey 3 Remix här - ännu bättre! Dessutom tillverkad i skottsäker metall med alla reglage bultade i chassit, högre mekanisk kvalitet och hållbarhet än alla andra. 4 spelare 24BIT ljudkort. Sista skylt ex.

The Reloop Jockey 3 Remix DJ Controller is an advanced 4-deck controller, optimised for creative Traktor DJs looking to add something extra to their live sets.

The robust metal chassis of the Reloop Jockey 3 Remix offers a plethora of control via its 90 on-board MIDI controls including 2 high-resolution platters for silky vinyl-like control and can be switched for four deck control. The premium 24-bit/ 96khz integrated soundcard reproduces immaculate audio, whilst the stand alone mixer allows you to hook into any analogue style system.

To match the solid and user friendly hardware of the Reloop Jockey 3 Remix, the thought put into controlling the software has been just as thorough. A smart three colour mode visually indicates the Track Deck mode, Sample Mode and Remix Mode, more of which can be seen below. Further to this ingenious design thought are features which you wouldn't want to be without when smashing out your latest set. There are additional features such as Beat Jump, which gets you quantised to the live track instantaneously, Roll Mode for one touch drum rolls, intelligent EQ Kills and Mash Mode for off the cuff cueing and triggering.
  • Flagship Traktor Pro controller with 4 deck switching system, bundled with Traktor LE2 software
  • 3 user modes with specific illuminated indication:
  • Track Deck Mode (standard illumination)
  • Sample Deck Mode (Blue illumination)
  • Remix Mode (Green illumination)
  • New performance controls:
  • Mash mode: temporary cue and trigger function
  • Roll Mode: one touch drum rolls
  • Beat Jump: beat quantisation
  • Fader-start effect
  • Full kill function on EQ bands
  • Ability to control 4 decks in Traktor plus 2 vinyl or CD decks thanks to the classic mixer style input selector
  • Stand alone mixer controls means analogue sources such as turntables or CD players can be mixed without a computer
  • 90 freely-assignable MIDI controls, making the controller suitable for any other software
  • High-resolution, slim-line jog wheels with vinyl grip, adjustable touch sensitivity and tension/ drag dials
  • Full-metal chassis with bullet-proof top panel and user-replaceable crossfader
  • High-end 24-bit/ 96 KHz audio with Burr-Brown AD/DA converters and MIDI interface



The new edition of the award-winning Jockey 3 ME: Jockey 3 Remix. As the name already suggests, this controller aims at advanced Traktor PRO users who want to elevate their mix to the next level: Live sampling, remixing and spectacular effect manipulation. All of the Jockey 3 ME's popular features, such as the high-quality manufacturing, 24 bit BurrBrown interface, high-resoultion jog wheels or stand alone mixing function, have been kept.



Besides the new minimal layout and the new performance section with intelligent tri-colour LED illumination, a completely new control concept has been realized here, which disposes of 3 different mighty modes.



In this mode you have total control over all important deck features like playback, cue/loop or effect control. And with the new dedicated beatjump buttons you can jump to an appropriate beat faster than ever before.



In Sample Mode (blue illumination) it is possible to access all a sample deck's important parameters without having to switch the deck. This way you can quickly record, load or trigger samples. In the sample deck samples can be scratched, filtered and modulated. Moreover, you will always have a lock on volume control thanks to the sample.



The Remix Mode (green illumination) is basically the playgound for creative mixers and will give pleasure to all effect lovers. The Jockey 3 Remix is the first controller on the market that can combine powerful effect combos with the push of a button, allowing for modulation via jog wheel, pitchfaders or linefaders. Dramatic build-ups in a track can be realized in no time. The independent Roll & Mash modes that can be used to either chop up a track or re-trigger it on-the-fly, are also brand-new.

The Reloop Jockey 3 Remix DJ Controller is an advanced 4-deck controller, optimised for creative Traktor DJs looking to add something extra to their live sets.

The robust metal chassis of the Reloop Jockey 3 Remix offers a plethora of control via its 90 on-board MIDI controls including 2 high-resolution platters for silky vinyl-like control and can be switched for four deck control. The premium 24-bit/ 96khz integrated soundcard reproduces immaculate audio, whilst the stand alone mixer allows you to hook into any analogue style system.

To match the solid and user friendly hardware of the Reloop Jockey 3 Remix, the thought put into controlling the software has been just as thorough. A smart three colour mode visually indicates the Track Deck mode, Sample Mode and Remix Mode, more of which can be seen below. Further to this ingenious design thought are features which you wouldn't want to be without when smashing out your latest set. There are additional features such as Beat Jump, which gets you quantised to the live track instantaneously, Roll Mode for one touch drum rolls, intelligent EQ Kills and Mash Mode for off the cuff cueing and triggering.

Flagship Traktor Pro controller with 4 deck switching system, bundled with Traktor LE2 software
3 user modes with specific illuminated indication:
Track Deck Mode (standard illumination)
Sample Deck Mode (Blue illumination)
Remix Mode (Green illumination)
New performance controls:
Mash mode: temporary cue and trigger function
Roll Mode: one touch drum rolls
Beat Jump: beat quantisation
Fader-start effect
Full kill function on EQ bands
Ability to control 4 decks in Traktor plus 2 vinyl or CD decks thanks to the classic mixer style input selector
Stand alone mixer controls means analogue sources such as turntables or CD players can be mixed without a computer
90 freely-assignable MIDI controls, making the controller suitable for any other software
High-resolution, slim-line jog wheels with vinyl grip, adjustable touch sensitivity and tension/ drag dials
Full-metal chassis with bullet-proof top panel and user-replaceable crossfader
High-end 24-bit/ 96 KHz audio with Burr-Brown AD/DA converters and MIDI interface

Power Supply USB bus powered
Voltage 240V
Connection USB
Bit Rate 24-bit
Sample Rate 96 KHz
Channels 2 (on mixer), 4 (when used with Traktor)
Inputs 2 RCA inputs (line/ phono), 1/4" jack (microphone)
Outputs 2 line RCA (master and booth outs), stereo 1/4" jack outs (master output 2), 3.5mm mini-jack (master thru output), 1/4" jack (headphones)
Weight 5000
Dimensions (exterior) H: 61.5 x W: 420 x D: 315
System Requirements PC Windows 7 (latest Service Pack, 32/ 64-Bit), 2.0 GHz Intel Core Duo 2 or AMD Athlon 64 X2, 2 GB RAM (4 GB recommended), CD-ROM/DVD drive
System Requirements Mac OS X 10.6 or 10.7, Intel Core Duo 2, 2 GB RAM (4 GB recommended), CD-ROM/DVD drive

Reloop världens andra största DJ-märke. Finns i 88 länder. Vunnit många utmärkelser. Tysk superkvalitet. Generalagenten har även Tannoy, Dynacord, ElectroVoice.

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Allt inom ljud & ljus & DJ – Hyr eller köp ljud eller DJ-utrustning. Bygg upp en speciell atmosfär till eventet, festen eller ditt framträdande. Välj ljud- och ljussystem med omsorg! Hos Billebro hittar du allt som behövs inom ljud och ljus. Hyr eller köp din PA eller DJ-utrustning, komplettera eventet med nya PA-högtalare till förmånliga priser. Vi som arbetar här är själva DJ:s, musiker, ljudtekniker och studiotekniker, vi vet vad vi snackar om och vi kan ge dig goda råd och bra support. Vårt breda sortiment samt vår kunskap inom ljud och ljus hjälper dig att bygga upp den perfekta lösningen! Och du, vi hjälper även till med installationen! Upp till 2 års delbetalning för max 50 000 kr via Klarna, ett år räntefritt!