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Behringer U-Control UCA202 och UCA200 USB Ljudkort DEMO EX utan kartong

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Artikel nr : BEH216811
Kortnamn : Behringer U-Control UCA202 och UCA200 USB Ljudkort DEMO EX utan kartong
Märke : Behringer UC UCA200
Vikt : 0.50 kg
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Fabrikat : Behringer
Prod review Prod review Prod review Prod review Prod review
Behringer U-Control UCA202 och UCA200 USB Ljudkort
  • Ultraflexibelt ljudinterface som ansluter dina instrument, mixer osv. med din dator för inspelning och avspelning
  • Högupplöst 48 kHz omvandlare för high-end ljudkvalitet
  • Fungerar med din PC eller Mac - ingen setup eller drivrutin behövs
  • Gratis ljudinspelning och editerings- mjukvara nedladdningsbar från
  • Hörlursutgång i stereo med nivåkontroll
  • Optisk S/P-DIF U-control för direkt digital överföring
  • Kraftförsörjning via USB-bussen - ingen yttre strömförsörjning behövs
  • Högkvalitativa komponenter och exceptionellt tålig konstruktion försäkrar långt liv


With this ultra-compact, bus-powered interface, you can link your Windows® and Mac® computer with any audio gear. There is no setup or special drivers needed—simply plug the interface in a free USB port on your computer and get into the groove. The UCA202 provides 2 analog inputs and outputs, as well as an additional S/PDIF optical output for direct digital conversion. The stereo headphone output with dedicated level control lets you monitor both input and output. And the cherry on top is that the U-CONTROL download area offers a huge software package for recording and editing. All in all, this interface is a complete audio solution which provides a connection between the analog and digital domain.

"BEHRINGERenergyXT2.5 Compact BEHRINGER Edition included! If you’re ready to take your projects to an even higher level, XT Software’s energyXT2.5 is just the trick. This amazing DAW (digital audio workstation) makes it easy to manipulate your audio and MIDI files, turning song ideas into stunning CD or web-ready recordings. energyXT2.5 includes built-in synthesizers, which can be accessed directly via an external controller or programmed by step-write mode. There’s even a built-in drum machine and internal multi-FX processor.


Digital Made Easy

The fastest way to upgrade any mixer
Looking for a simple, affordable way to get your music into the digital realm? Or maybe you’d like to connect your computer to an external effects unit or recorder? Want to transfer your old cassette tapes to CD before all the oxide falls off the tape? The fastest, easiest way to get analog audio into your computer is with the U-CONTROL UCA202 Audio Interface.

PC and Mac Ready

This ultra-compact, USB-powered device lets you connect your PC or Mac computer to virtually any piece of audio gear. And the UCA202 requires no special setup or drivers—just plug it in to a free USB port and get busy.


The UCA202 provides two analog mono inputs and outputs (for monitoring), USB connectivity and an additional S/PDIF optical output for direct analog-to-digital conversion. The stereo headphone output features a dedicated level control and lets you listen to both the input and output.

Imagine the possibilities…

When used as a professional interface between a mixing console and your computer, myriad options become available. Some of these might include connecting the UCA202 RCA outputs: to the TAPE INPUT jacks of your mixer; to powered monitors or to the input channels on the mixer. Connecting to the mixer input channels allows you to use the Aux Send feature of your mixer to build an extremely versatile monitor mix for recording sessions. These are just a few of the possibilities; let us know how you use your UCA202.

Tons of free software

To truly get the most out of your UAC202, you will need recording and editing software. So, we decided to give you lots of free software to choose from.

KRISTAL Audio Engine is a powerful multi-track recorder, audio sequencer and mixer - ideal for anyone getting started with recording, mixing and mastering digital audio. Kristal’s main features include:

  • Mixing console
  • Audio sequencer
  • 16 audio tracks
  • 32-bit floating point audio engine
  • Sample rates from 44.1 to 192 kHz
  • 3-band parametric EQ
  • 2 VST insert slots per channel
  • 3 VST master effect slots
  • ASIO low-latency audio driver support

Audacity is an easy-to-use audio editor and recorder for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux operating systems. With Audacity you can:

  • Record live audio
  • Convert tapes and records into digital recordings or CDs
  • Edit Ogg Vorbis, MP3, WAV or AIFF sound files
  • Cut, copy, splice or mix sounds together
  • Change the speed or pitch of a recording
  • And much more…

If you’re ready to take your projects to an even higher level, XT Software’s energyXT2 is just the trick. This amazing DAW (digital audio workstation) makes it easy to manipulate your audio and MIDI files, turning song ideas into stunning CD or web-ready recordings. energyXT2 includes built-in synthesizers, which can be accessed directly via an external controller or programmed by step-write mode. There’s even a built-in drum machine and internal multi-FX processor. To learn more about energyXT2 Compact BEHRINGER Edition, or to download the demo, click here.


For a fraction of the cost of an over-priced USB audio interface from those other guys, you can have state-of-the-art digital conversion, world-class recording and editing software and hassle-free connectivity between your PC or Mac Computer and any piece of audio equipment.

Bridging the gap between your music and the rest of the world—the BEHRINGER
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