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Allen & Heath ME-1

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Artikel nr : ALLme1
Kortnamn : Allen & Heath ME-1
Vikt : 3.00 kg
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Fabrikat :  Specifikationer
Prod review Prod review Prod review Prod review Prod review
ME-1 är den smutta monitormixern där du kontrollerar ända upp till 40 kanaler via CAT5. Komplatibel med GLD, iLive samt tredje parts mixning system. Med ME-1 har du maximal kontroll över din lyssning på scenen, i replokalen eller i studion. Perfekt när du använder in-ear system med dess inbyggda ambience mikrofonen för omgivnings ljud.
Du lägger smidigt upp en full mix av 16 kanaler. Dina konfigurationer och dina presets sparar du enkelt, du hämtar och överför dina "set-ups" eller arkiveringar via USB. "Daisy chain" koppling ända upp till 19 ME-1 mixers.
Fäste för montering på mikrofonstativ samt hörlurarshållare medföljer.

The ME-1 Personal Mixer puts the musician in control of their own monitor mix. Each performer can be given a tailored setup that works perfectly for them, whether they crave maximum control over the fine details of their mix or just want the minimum of keys to press. Operation is intuitive and elegant, with simple controls, clear visual feedback and custom naming for instant familiarity.

ME-1 is the cornerstone of the ME Personal Mixing System and is ready to use with the Allen & Heath iLive and GLD series digital mixers. ME-1 is complemented by the ME-U hub, which opens up the benefits of ME to users of other professional digital mixers via Dante, EtherSound or MADI. ME-1 also has an Aviom® compatibility mode for use with Aviom® Pro16® systems.

•    Fully customisable
•    Intuitive operation
•    Compact, smart design
•    40 sources from GLD or iLive
•    Compatible with MADI, Dante or EtherSound* 
•    Daisy chain or use standard PoE Ethernet hubs
•    16 assignable keys to suit application

*via ME-U hub

Equally at home on stage, in rehearsal rooms, houses of worship or recording studios, with ME everyone benefits from slicker soundchecks, lower sound levels on stage and quicker setups, while the engineer will be saving precious buses on the mixer and cutting the time spent tweaking monitor mixes. Whether you are monitoring on headphones, wired or wireless in-ears, using drum thrones or local speakers, the ME Personal Mixing System offers access to an unprecedented number of channels, rugged Allen & Heath construction and unrivalled sound quality.

16 assignable user keys
Backlit rubber keys make ME-1 controls perfectly visible in the dark. The 16 user keys can be assigned to a single source (mono or stereo) or to a Group, with all the convenience of pressing a single button no matter what you want to control - the vocalist mic, a stereo pair or the whole drumkit. Preset store/recall can be enabled or disabled per key to present only the control that is needed.
16 user presets
Levels, pan, mutes and key assignments can all be stored and recalled at the touch of a button.
Presets for different bands and application scenarios can be conveniently copied to USB key or the whole configuration saved. Ideal for archiving or quick transferring to other units.
Groups make it possible to mix up to 40 sources with only 16 keys. They also save a lot of buses at the main console: whereas other personal monitor systems rely on subgroups and pre-mixes sent from the console, ME-1 has the sophistication to  do it all on-board whilst remaining easy to use.
OLED screen
Provides a clear display of level and pan for the selected source, system setup and information
menus, and a highly responsive stereo signal meter. Can be dimmed for low-light operation.
Custom Naming
It helps to know which source you are tweaking! ME-1 can display custom names for all channels and groups. When coupled with an Allen & Heath GLD system using dSNAKE, the ME-1 does the work for you by picking up source names automatically from the stream.
One knob controls everything
A single, large rotary control beneath the display is used to access and navigate all of ME-1’s most commonly used functions and menus, including: 
Input control of level & pan
Group control of master level
Level/pan for each member of the group
Control of master EQ and limiter
Global Trim (simultaneously adjusts all channel levels to prevent running the mix too hot)
Master level and key
Dedicated control and key to access the Master 3-band EQ and limiter settings.
Built-in ambient mic
With ME-1, musicians are not isolated from the rest of the stage. The ambient mic keeps them in touch with the stage sound and lets them hear the audience and communicate with each other without the need to pull out their ear pieces. The local mic level is independent of the master level control.

Solo and Mute keys
Individual sources, groups or masters can be muted. Use the Solo key to meter and listen to just their contribution to the mix.
Shifted functions
System setup, standby mode and preset store are protected from accidental operation by holding
Shift while pressing other keys. All input levels can be simultaneously trimmed by holding Shift while turning the rotary. 
Minijack and 1/4" headphone outputs with powerful, discrete amplifier design.
Mono Out
1/4" TRS balanced line out (mix only, no ambient mic).
Aux Input
Stereo input for local sources such as MP3 players or click tracks. Sensitivity is well
matched to portable consumer devices.

Link In / Out
Secure and reliable EtherCon connectors for daisy chaining or star topology using ME-U or
off-the-shelf Ethernet switches for any number of ME-1 mixers.

ME-1 can be powered via Cat5 using a PoE switch or the ME-U hub, or mains powered using the included power supply.
USB port
For firmware updates, archiving / transferring individual presets or the full configuration, or charging portable devices!

Free standing or surface mounted
Mount on top of a mic stand with the built-in 3/8" insert, or mount on the side of the stand with the supplied bracket.

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Allt inom ljud & ljus & DJ – Hyr eller köp ljud eller DJ-utrustning. Bygg upp en speciell atmosfär till eventet, festen eller ditt framträdande. Välj ljud- och ljussystem med omsorg! Hos Billebro hittar du allt som behövs inom ljud och ljus. Hyr eller köp din PA eller DJ-utrustning, komplettera eventet med nya PA-högtalare till förmånliga priser. Vi som arbetar här är själva DJ:s, musiker, ljudtekniker och studiotekniker, vi vet vad vi snackar om och vi kan ge dig goda råd och bra support. Vårt breda sortiment samt vår kunskap inom ljud och ljus hjälper dig att bygga upp den perfekta lösningen! Och du, vi hjälper även till med installationen! Upp till 2 års delbetalning för max 50 000 kr via Klarna, ett år räntefritt!