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Focusrite Scarlett Studio SLUTSÅLD

2 995:-
2 396:- exkl. moms
Delbetala från 135:-/månad eller ett år räntefritt
Fraktkostnad : 79:-

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Artikel nr : FOCscarstudio
Kortnamn : Focusrite Scarlett Studio SLUTSÅLD
Märke : Focusrite Scarlett Studio
Vikt : 1.00 kg
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Prod review Prod review Prod review Prod review Prod review
Perfekt startpaket som innehåller allt du behöver för att komma igång med professionella inspelningar! Du får ett Scarlett 2i2 ljudkort, en stormembrans kondensatormikrofon, hörlurar, kablar samt tre mjukvaror, bl.a Cubase 6 LE.

Prisvärt Inspelningspaket, Scarlett 2i2, kondensatormikrofon, hörlur, Cubase LE6, Scarlett plugins

Inspelningspaket med USB Ljudinterface: Scarlett 2i2, mjukvara: Steinberg Cubase LE6, Focusrite Scarlett Plugins och Novation Bass Station, Kondensatormikrofon: CM25, hörlurar: HK60, USB-kabel och en röd mikrofonkabel.

Ljudkort: inspelning: 24 bitar/96 kHz, 2 ingångar och 2 utgångar, 2x XLR / TR 1/4 "Mic / Line Combo-ingångar, 48V fantom-matning, 2x line-utgångar 1/4" TRS balanserad hörlursutgång, PC och Mac.
Get it right from the start – with Scarlett Studio
The complete professional recording package for musicians
Whether you’re just starting out on your musical career or you’re a seasoned professional, Scarlett Studio gives you everything you need to start recording studio-quality music right away – right down to the microphone cable. Just add your computer.
Now you can record guitar, vocals, bass or other instruments directly into your computer, complete your recordings with studio effects and create a master mix.
Focusrite has been making high-end recording systems, used in the world's top studios, for over 25 years. That same precision engineering is now available in a compact, high-quality system for you to connect to your computer and start recording now – and it’s all inside this box.

The Scarlett Studio audio interface
The audio interface is the key to making professional recording. At the heart of Scarlett Studio is the Scarlett 2i2. This interface connects to your Mac or PC via the USB port and provides 2-inputs and 2-outputs to your music software. Scarlett 2i2 delivers the superb quality and legendary Focusrite sound that audio industry professionals have relied on for decades. Plug your instrument – bass, guitar, keyboard, synth, you name it – and the included studio microphone straight into the front panel and 2i2 brings them into your computer at the highest possible quality. You can record, edit and mix until you have just the sound you want, with the best possible playback quality so you can hear exactly what you’re doing.

Studio-quality microphone and headphones
Scarlett Studio really does give you everything you need to start recording. There’s a studio condenser microphone, the CM25, that’s specially designed to catch the life and soul of your vocals and acoustic instruments. Clean, smooth and sensitive, it captures every nuance. If you can hear it, you can record it. There’s even a high-quality, low-noise microphone cable included, to connect the CM25 to the Scarlett 2i2.
The included HP60 studio monitor headphones tell it like it is. Accuracy is number one when it comes to monitoring. Unlike many headphones that flatter the sound, making it sound better than it really is, the HP60s give you a clear and accurate impression of exactly how your music sounds, so you can get it just the way you want it. And when you play it back elsewhere, it’ll sound great.

Professional recording software
Scarlett Studio includes all the software you need to get you going straight away. Cubase LE 6 is powerful music production software for recording and mixing. Focusrite Scarlett plug-ins are a set of essential tools for polishing your mix, like compression to tighten up that bass or keep your vocals smooth and even; equalisers to bring out the character in your sound, gating to help remove noises, and reverb to give your music the space it needs. The Novation Bass Station is a software synthesizer that you can use to add additional bass or melody sounds to your music. Because it is a synth you can create totally new sounds that no one has ever heard before, or recreate classic sounds. There is also a sample pack from Loopmasters to add drum loops or sound effects to your track.

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Allt inom ljud & ljus & DJ – Hyr eller köp ljud eller DJ-utrustning. Bygg upp en speciell atmosfär till eventet, festen eller ditt framträdande. Välj ljud- och ljussystem med omsorg! Hos Billebro hittar du allt som behövs inom ljud och ljus. Hyr eller köp din PA eller DJ-utrustning, komplettera eventet med nya PA-högtalare till förmånliga priser. Vi som arbetar här är själva DJ:s, musiker, ljudtekniker och studiotekniker, vi vet vad vi snackar om och vi kan ge dig goda råd och bra support. Vårt breda sortiment samt vår kunskap inom ljud och ljus hjälper dig att bygga upp den perfekta lösningen! Och du, vi hjälper även till med installationen! Upp till 2 års delbetalning för max 50 000 kr via Klarna, ett år räntefritt!